차선변경 위반 범칙금 Argument in case of career change violation

차선변경 위반 범칙금Argument in case of career change violation

Accidents can occur for a variety of reasons while driving a vehicle. Therefore, the driver of the vehicle has an obligation to be careful at all times, and the correct way to drive is to comply with various laws and regulations stipulated by the Road Traffic Act. In particular, there are many cases of changing the direction of the driver while driving or changing the course to make driving more convenient. As such, if a driver changes lanes or routes as necessary, if he or she causes damage to other drivers or changes to a lane in which the driver should not change course, fines and penalty points will be imposed as a violation of the course change. Incurring fines and demerit points for violating course changes is not just for drivers, but is a system to protect other drivers who follow and keep everyone safe.

Usually, if a driver is caught violating a course change, a basic report is received with a video recorded in a black box attached to another vehicle, and fines and penalty points are imposed on the driver. According to Korea’s Road Traffic Act, vehicles driving on roads can change lanes as needed. However, even a dotted line that allows you to change course must not change course while interfering with other vehicles following you. If an accident occurs while changing the course, no matter how much the driver needs to change the course to the dotted lane, it can cause a greater negligence than the vehicle driving in that lane. Fines and penalty points received for career change violations are stipulated as follows. In accordance with Articles 14 and 19 of the current Road Traffic Act, a fine of 30,000 won and 10 penalty points are imposed on both passenger cars and vans under the Domestic Road Traffic Act for violations judged to be course changes.

In most cases, a fine is imposed after being reported or discovered by someone around you, so unlike other traffic violations or speeding penalties, you cannot pay more fines and get reduced points. Therefore, it will be difficult to avoid the fine of 30,000 won and 10 penalty points for violating the course change. Accumulated demerit points for violations of traffic laws may be grounds for revocation of driver’s license suspension. When someone reports through a black box video, the driver receives a fact-check request. If you have received a fact check request, do not panic and appear at the police station by the date of attendance specified in the fact check request, go through the fact check procedure with the person in charge, and issue a notice for violation of course change.

If you receive a fact check request and admit everything without having to check it, it will be solved by visiting the nearby local police box, issuing a penalty notice and paying the fine. However, difficult situations can also arise. If the road in the lane is damaged or there is a video of avoidance by the road construction, it may be found as a reason for exemption from the violation of course change. At this time, let’s look at which roads can be changed and which are not. First of all, on a road where you are not allowed to change your course, changing your course to a solid lane in accordance with the Road Traffic Act constitutes a violation. And even in a dotted lane, if you change lanes while causing damage to another vehicle, you may be subject to a course-changing violation.

Automobile roads are public roads that can be used by anyone, not restrictions on driving vehicles. We will introduce the correct course change method to keep the driver and everyone safe. When changing lanes while driving on the road, you must first observe your surroundings and check whether the lane you are currently driving in is a dotted line or a solid line. Lanes on roads where lane changes are permitted are white dotted lines. In the case of a lane with a solid line and a dotted line, you can only change direction from the dotted lane to the solid lane. You must never change course on a road that has no dotted lines and only two lines of solid lines. There are roads that allow lane changes even within the center line. It’s the yellow dotted line. In the yellow dotted area, you can cross the center line by paying attention to your opponent’s lane.

However, it is also prohibited to continue driving, so be careful. In the yellow dotted and solid lanes of the centerline, it is possible to invade for safety only in the direction from the dotted lane to the solid lane. However, crossing the center line can cause a serious accident, such as colliding with an oncoming vehicle, and can cause serious accidents and human casualties, so careful judgment is required for course change violations.

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차선변경 위반 범칙금
