주거급여 신청자격 및 신청방법 (feat.총정리) Housing benefit application qualifications and application method (feat. Summary)

Housing benefit is a comprehensive consideration of the recipient’s income, housing type, housing cost burden level, etc.

This is a system that supports housing expenses for low-income families! Then, shall we find out about the eligibility and how to apply for housing benefit?

If you are eligible, I hope you will take care of it carefully and get help!


Eligibility for Housing Benefit
– Regardless of the income and property of the person responsible for support, only the income and property of the applicant household are comprehensively reflected *Income recognized amount is standard *For households with less than 46% of the median income

(*Recognized income: the sum of the assessed income and the income conversion of property)

(*Median income: After ranking all households in order of income, the income level of the household in the middle order)


– For renting households residing in other people’s houses, the actual rent of the recipient is supported with the upper limit of the standard rent.

– Support for comprehensive home improvement by evaluating the deterioration of the house, such as structural safety, equipment, and finishing, for self-employed households who own houses and live in them


– It is possible to determine whether or not to receive housing benefits on the My Home website (Using the Housing Welfare Service – Housing Welfare Guide – Self-diagnosis menu)



주거급여 신청자격

주거급여 신청자격

housing benefit

housing benefit

housing benefit


housing benefit

How to apply for housing benefit
※ Household members of the beneficiary’s household, their relatives, and other related persons can apply

– (Offline) Available at Eup, Myeon, and Dong Community Service Centers of the applicant’s resident registration address

– (Online) You can also apply online through Bokbokro


Housing benefit support procedure
– When an applicant applies for housing benefit,

* Income and property investigation

* Housing survey

to decide whether to apply


1) Application and reception (Eup, Myeon, Dong)

2) Investigation of income, property, etc. (city, county, district)

3) Housing survey (LH)

4) Guarantee decision and payment (si.gun.gu)



Housing benefit inquiries
– Housing benefit call center ☎ 1600-0777

– My Home Portal