재가요양보호사 월급 Summary of salary difference allowance for nursing care caregivers and home care caregivers

재가요양보호사 월급A nursing assistant is a job that helps the elderly, the disabled, and patients with their daily lives and performs medical assistance tasks. Nursing care workers are responsible for meeting the physical, emotional, and social needs of patients, and check the patient’s health status and administer appropriate treatment. However, it seems that social awareness of nursing care workers is still lacking. Nursing care is an important job that takes responsibility for the lives of many people, but there is an assessment that it is difficult for anyone to enter because the treatment is low and the pay is low. Regarding future nursing care worker certification, I believe that the difficulty of obtaining the certification should be increased in proportion to the importance of the role of the nursing caregiver. As experts with specialized knowledge and skills related to the performance of nursing care workers’ duties, it is necessary to cultivate personnel with high-level work ethics and capabilities through obtaining nursing care caregiver certification. Additionally, there is a need to improve the treatment, compensation, and education system of nursing care workers. Nursing care workers perform a very important job, and they should be rewarded for their hard work and effort. Therefore, efforts to improve the treatment and compensation of nursing care workers must continue, and it is necessary to improve the job performance capabilities of nursing care workers through improvement of the education system.
The current minimum wage in 2023 is 9,620 won. Converting to a 5-day work week, the monthly salary is approximately 2.01 million won. Salaries vary depending on the type of work you do at a nursing home, day care center, or home welfare center. However, caregivers who hold a nursing care certification and work in nursing homes earn the highest salaries.
Nursing homes are also different from private nursing homes and government-managed nursing care facilities. The highest salaries are at state-run nursing care facilities. Additional paid work is added here. If overtime and other work allowances are included, the salary increases further.
Tax deductible for the 4 major insurance policies
In-home care, live-in care, institutional care, and in-home bathing all have different prices. To calculate in detail, you need to know the approximate job position and number of working hours. Enter all applicable information in the caregiver salary calculator below and calculate the approximate amount.
▶Nursing care worker salary calculator◀

재가요양보호사 월급
