장애인활동지원사 자격증 Disabled person activity supporter training – Chungbuk Welfare Net

장애인활동지원사 자격증SSNEducation
Disability activity supporter training

Training for disabled activity support staff
Through training for disabled activity support staff, we provide opportunities for reserve activity support staff to complete training, thereby increasing independent living and social participation for disabled people.
The purpose is to provide quality services by training professional disabled activity support personnel.
We provide training for adults over 18 years of age.
After completing theoretical training (40 hours in the standard course, 32 hours in the specialized course) and 10 hours of field training, you are eligible to work as an activity support worker for the disabled.
It is possible to apply for activities for the physically and mentally disabled without any educational background restrictions, and the activity supporter is a person who has completed a training course at an educational institution and does not fall under any of the disqualifications below.
※ Disqualification for activity support personnel (Article 29 of the Act on Support for Activities of Persons with Disabilities)
※ What is a person with similar experience?

장애인활동지원사 자격증
