자동차세 환급 How to apply for car tax refund? Completely organized search method (sale or junk car) – Tax fanatic

자동차세 환급Home – How to apply for car tax refund? Completely organized including inquiry method (sale or scrap car)

If you are reading this article, you are probably looking for information on how to apply for a car tax refund.

If you sell or scrap your car after applying for annual payment, you will receive a car tax refund.

You can apply for a refund both online and offline, and you can also easily apply online through WiTax.

In this article today, we will introduce both online and offline application methods.

Please take just 3 minutes and read the article to the end.

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Automobile tax is a local tax that must be paid annually if you own a vehicle.

Since car tax is paid annually, you can receive up to a 10% tax reduction if you pay in January every month.

However, due to unavoidable circumstances, there are cases where the vehicle is sold or scrapped after applying for annual payment.

At this time, you can receive a refund for the tax you have already paid on a pro rata basis.

Now, let’s find out how to apply.

If you proceed offline, the application methods for selling and scrapping a car will be different.

The application method for each case is as follows.

You can apply for a refund after the car title transfer is complete.

You must contact the tax office in the jurisdiction where you reside and notify them of the sale or purchase.

Then, the person in charge goes through a verification process.

The car tax refund period is within 7 business days after verification is completed, and the refund is completed to the registered account.

If you scrap your car, you must visit the local tax office in person to apply.

Required documents include a certificate of vehicle registration cancellation, resident registration card, and a copy of your bankbook, and can be submitted to the staff in charge.

Then, the tax department staff will process it and the refund will be completed within a week.

If it is not easy to visit due to unavoidable circumstances, you can contact the local tax office and notify them of the cancellation.

At this time, the staff member in charge will ask for your details for verification and authentication.

Once you complete the answers one by one, you can apply for a refund.

If you need more detailed inquiries, you can call the government civil service information call center at 110 for phone consultation on automobile tax refund.

Consultation hours are open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, reporting hours are from 6:00 AM to 24:00, and payment hours are from 7:00 AM to 23:30.

The WiTax car tax refund method is as follows.

① Click [Witax Homepage] > [Refund Application] > [Refund Inquiry/Application] > [Local Tax].

② Log in using simple authentication or joint/financial authentication certificate.

③ In the refund details inquiry, check the jurisdictional government, tax item name, amount subject to refund, etc.

④ Review local tax refund details.

The tax code is ‘Automobile Tax (Car)’ and look at the refund amount at the bottom.

⑤ Enter the account holder, account number, and bank name in the account for which you are requesting a refund, and then click the application button.

⑥ Check the completion screen.

You can check your car tax refund directly from this screen.

So far, we have introduced both online and offline methods for applying for car tax refunds.

I hope this article was of some help.

I was a tax fanatic.

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