인천공항 환전 수령 방법, 환전소 운영 시간, 수수료, 위치 알아보기 Find out how to receive currency exchange at Incheon Airport, exchange office operating hours, fees, and location

I’m sure everyone has experienced this at least once when they arrived at Incheon Airport and thought, “Do you think I need to exchange additional currency?”

However, when exchanging money, there are three banks at the airport. Did you know that the exchange fees are different for each bank and currency type?

We will tell you which banks have low fees for dollars, yen, euros, etc.

인천공항 환전


인천공항 환전

Find out about banking fees for overseas currency at Incheon Airport’s three banks



Additional currency exchange at Incheon Airport
When additional currency exchange is needed at Incheon Airport, the fee varies depending on the currency.


• When additional currency exchange is needed at Incheon Airport, there are three banks.
• Information on fees for each bank when exchanging dollars at Incheon Airport
• Information on fees for each bank when exchanging yen at Incheon Airport



When you need additional currency exchange at Incheon Airport, there are three banks.

There are three banks at Incheon Airport that handle currency exchange.

Shinhan Bank
Our bank
Hana Bank
We all know that it is a good idea to exchange your currency in advance before traveling abroad. However, there are times when you need to urgently exchange money at the airport because you need additional expenses, right? The high fees were really a waste of money at that time.


Do you know why currency exchange fees are high at the airport? The reason is that airports are solely responsible for currency exchange and the operating costs of operating the facility are higher than those of regular banks. This is why the fees for currency exchange banks at the airport are so high.


Below we will look at the fees for each bank in the main currencies: dollar, yen, and euro.



Information on fees for each bank when exchanging dollars at Incheon Airport
Bank name Currency exchange fee (purchase) Currency exchange fee (sales)
Shinhan Bank 4.15% 4.20%
Woori Bank 4.20% 4.20%
Hana Eunhan 4.20% 4.20%
As of October 4, 2023, Shinhan Bank is currently 0.05% cheaper when exchanging dollars at Incheon Airport.

You can check the fees for the latest period through the link below.


Find out about dollar exchange fees from 3 banks at Incheon Airport




Information on fees for each bank when exchanging yen at Incheon Airport

Bank name Currency exchange fee (purchase) Currency exchange fee (sales)
Shinhan Bank 4.50% 7.10%
Woori Bank 4.50% 7.00%
Hana Bank 4.50% 7.00%
As of October 4, 2023, you can currently exchange yen at a cheaper rate by exchanging it at Woori Bank and Hana Bank.



Information on fees for each bank when exchanging euros at Incheon Airport

Bank name Currency exchange fee (purchase) Currency exchange fee (sales)
Shinhan Bank 4.50% 4.30%
Woori Bank 4.50% 4.30%
Hana Bank 4.50% 4.20%
As of October 4, 2023, it is currently cheaper to exchange euros at Hana Bank.



Now that we’ve looked at the most common currency exchanges, what about other currency exchanges?

You can view the table by clicking the link below and selecting the currency for each country you want.

Countries that can be confirmed

UK Canada Switzerland Hong Kong
Australia China Singapore New Zealand
Thailand Vietnam Taiwan Philippines

Find out about other countries’ currency exchange fees


Comparison of major currency exchange fees at Incheon International Airport branch by bank > Currency exchange information at Incheon International Airport branch > Korea Federation of Banks – Foreign exchange guide






When traveling abroad or on a business trip abroad, the best way is to receive preferential currency exchange services online and exchange your currency in advance before leaving the country.

Another tip is that for customers using Shinhan, Woori, or Hana Bank, it is a good idea to exchange money online and receive it at the airport.


Currency exchange is not better just because the fees are low, but you should pay close attention to the preferential services provided by each bank and check them before doing so to avoid losing money. This was an article for people who really needed to exchange additional currency in a hurry, and it was an article with good information to know.

If you are preparing to travel abroad or are on a business trip, I hope you have a safe trip and business trip.