인천공항 분실물 찾는 방법 How to find lost items at Incheon Airport

How to find lost items at Incheon Airport

This time, I went on a trip to Japan with my children, and I was hectic while moving, so I started to lose it from the time I left the country. At the boarding gate, I left the sunglasses I bought at the duty free shop in my shopping bag before boarding. The only time I realized I had lost it was when I was getting off at Kansai Airport and packing up my belongings.

인천공항 분실물 찾는 방법

First of all, I delivered the information to the Asiana Airlines staff, but it was difficult to check right away. Lost and found is in charge of items lost at the passenger terminal before entering the departure gate, but after entering the departure gate, it is a duty-free area, so there is a separate charge. It is the Incheon International Airport Customs Belongings Section (No. 2 below) in question.


인천공항 분실물 찾는 방법


Although the travel date was on a substitute holiday during the Lunar New Year holiday, after calling once on the 2/9th, the phone could not be connected at all. In the middle of the trip, I kept in touch and called almost 80 times, but the 4426 number was unanswered. When I first called on the 2/9th, I was told to call again because it was difficult to check on the day of the loss.


Also, Incheon Airport’s lost and found management was integrated into the National Police Agency’s lost and found site (lost112.go.kr), so I went in when I had time during the trip, but the lost sunglasses did not appear on the list of lost and found items. And since it is a site that cannot register lost items on the iPad, it is not possible to register lost items.




Anyway, in the end, I couldn’t get in touch until the day of my departure from Kansai International Airport in Japan to Incheon International Airport. If you call the newly provided phone number (4432), you will receive it right away.


In the meantime, I was frustrated and asked why you didn’t answer the phone, but there are 2 people on duty during the workday and 1 person on the holiday at the customs carry-on section. And you say that managing lost property is not your main job. There must be a lot of lost items in the duty-free area, so shouldn’t it be integrated into the lost and found office or increased the number of staff in the personal belongings section of the customs office? Anyway, on 2/9, I tried to make 90 phone calls to find the lost sunglasses, and it was only confirmed by phone on 2/13, and I stopped by the customs carry-on section on the 1st basement floor around 8:00 pm when I arrived at Incheon Airport to find it. They said the cleaner brought it to them. I would like to express my sincere thanks.


In summary, if a lost item has occurred at Incheon Airport, you can check and find it in the following ways.


1. If you lost your item at the passenger terminal before departure, contact the Lost and Found Center and a friendly counselor will answer it.


2. If you lost it at the boarding gate, which is a duty-free area, you must contact the Personal Items Division of Customs. I don’t often answer the phone, so please be patient. If you are unable to reach us, please call the last digit 4432.


3. You can check registered lost items and registered lost items at lost112.go.kr.


The most important thing when looking for a lost item is to explain the appearance of the lost item. Lost items that include IDs are clear, but in the case of purchased items, you must accurately describe the brand or product so that the item can be identified and found. In our case, it was brand sunglasses called Gentle Monster, but if you didn’t remember, it might have been difficult to find. The above was how to find lost items at Incheon Airport.


I hope you find it well.