음주운전 신고 포상금 Reward for reporting drunk driving: How to apply for false accusation, amount received: Naver Blog

음주운전 신고 포상금2023. 4. 22. 22:10

Driving a car while under the influence of alcohol can be viewed as potentially murderous.
Some even say that it was just luck that they arrived home safely after drunk driving.
As such, drinking and driving should never be done under any circumstances.

Today I would like to talk about the topic of drunk driving.
This is about the reward for reporting drunk driving.
Please note that although there is a reward for reporting drunk driving in all regions, the amount varies slightly, so if you are curious about more detailed information on the amount, you can check with the traffic safety department in your region.

If you look at the current regulations regarding the reward for reporting drunk driving, there is a reward paid by the National Police Agency in accordance with laws or enforcement ordinances.
As this is a type of reward for meritorious contributions, there is no separate budget set.
If it is confirmed that the reported information is actually drunk driving, the reward for reporting drunk driving will be determined based on the results.

So what should you do if you want to receive a reward like this?
First, you must apply for compensation payment in person.
For reference, the best, surest, and quickest way to report drunk driving is to call 112 on the spot and have the police arrive, conduct a breathalyzer test, and catch you red-handed.
In this case, the punishment standard will vary depending on the blood alcohol concentration of the drunk driver, which will in turn change the amount of the reward for reporting drunk driving.

If the alcohol concentration exceeds 0.2%, you will be punished with 2 to 5 years in prison and a fine of 10 to 20 million won.
If it is 0.08 to 0.2%, it is equivalent to 1 to 2 years in prison and a fine of 5 to 10 million won.

Here, if it is lower, 0.03% to 0.08%, it is punishable by imprisonment of up to one year and a fine of up to 5 million won.
If I spot a drunk driving vehicle and report it to the police, the police may later arrive, but the suspected driver refuses to be measured.
In this case, it is not an act of knowing and passing it over for the sake of human rights, but an act that can be punishable by 1 to 5 years in prison for refusing to measure, and the fine is 5 to 20 million won.

If you see a vehicle driving drunk, you must report it as soon as possible at the scene so that dispatch can be dispatched.
Also, in preparation for any unexpected situation, it is a good idea to take photos or videos that can serve as objective evidence. Of these two, videos will be more helpful than photos.
This is because you can only be punished if there is clear evidence that you drove a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol.

For reference, this is a part that many people are not familiar with, but if a criminal is caught red-handed, anyone can arrest the criminal, even if it is not the police.
In other words, even an ordinary person, not necessarily a police officer, can stop a drunk vehicle, make the driver get out, and arrest him.

However, in most cases, if you are not a police officer, there is a high probability that a fight will break out.
If this happens, not only will you not be able to receive a reward for reporting drunk driving, but you may also end up getting involved in a fight, so you need to be careful.
Today, we talked about the reward for reporting drunk driving.

Drunk driving actually doesn’t help anyone.
It is an act that can even take away someone’s precious life and take away someone’s precious family.
Please be careful as many people are getting into trouble due to drunk driving these days.

If you have an accident while driving and need advice from a lawyer, please contact Founders.
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