유튜브 검색기록 삭제 How to delete or turn off YouTube search history

유튜브 검색기록 삭제Also, if you want to stop recording so that your search history is not saved in the future, you can do this by activating the feature off in the same tab.

When you delete YouTube search history, the history is also deleted from other logged in devices. If you stop search history, your search topics will no longer be used to improve personalized videos in the future.

1. Delete and turn off YouTube search history on your computer
2. Delete and turn off YouTube search history on your smartphone

1. Run the YouTube site on your computer.
2. Log in with your Google ID.
3. Click the More tab at the top right and go to the Viewing History tab.

4. Select Search History.
5. Click Clear all search history and Pause search history at the bottom.

6. Click Clear and Pause browsing history to resolve.

1. Run the YouTube application.
2. Tap My Profile in the upper right corner.
3. Click the Settings tab.

4. Click the History & Privacy tab.
5. Enable clear search history and pause search history.

6. Resolve by pressing Delete and Pause search history.

How to delete and reset YouTube custom videos
How to view, edit, and delete comments I wrote on YouTube

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