워크넷 홈페이지 Worknet Homepage

National Government Operation – What is Worknet?
We provide individual job seekers with various job information by region, station area, job type, and company type, as well as employment support services such as online job application, e-mail job application, customized information service, job search activity search/print, and mailing service.

We provide recruitment support services such as online job application, talent information management, customized information service, job posting, and e-recruitment yard, as well as various talent information such as region, job category, and major field to recruiting companies.

In addition, we provide job and career services such as vocational psychological tests, job and department information search, job tours, and career counseling, as well as employment trend services such as Job Map, job/talent trends, and statistical publications/research data. 워크넷 홈페이지


Go to WorkNet WORKNET
https://www.work.go.kr/empInfo/empInfoSrch/list/dtlEmpSrchMain.do 좋은뉴스

워크넷 홈페이지
Recruitment Main

Keyword Occupation Type Select desired occupation type Occupation Type: You can select up to 10 occupation types. Choose the type of job you want. Search <!– When Visible When Not Visible –> This is the result of a job search by Sales. (occupation 0 cases, total



Job placement services are provided to job center counselors and local government officials, etc. to support job placement services such as establishment of employment contracts between job seekers and job seekers through job application or job application, job search statistics, SMS/FAX, and monitoring.



We provide administrative support services for employment support projects such as youth small business experience, youth internship, employment success package, and employment support private consignment.


We provide services for various group counseling programs such as achievement programs, job guidance programs for young people, and employment hope programs implemented by job centers.