운전적성정밀검사 Korea Transportation Safety Authority_In-depth driving aptitude test information: Integrated data map search

운전적성정밀검사File Data Set
Data Service
Economics and Finance
BC Card Platform Common Code Information
View Details

Related Data
* Field Criteria: Data from the entire data platform provided by the data map is trained to provide the most similar data by field as search results.
* Relevance Criteria: Data from the entire data platform provided by the data map is trained to provide the most relevant data as search results.
* Classification Criteria: Data from the entire data platform provided by the data map is trained to provide the most similar data by category as search results.
* Relevance Score: Data with high relevance to the data searched by the user and relevance score are provided.
You can check more detailed graphs on the PC screen.
* Fusion Graph: Data information that can be fused is provided based on column information of the data searched by the user. Full Screen
You can check more detailed graphs on the PC screen.
* Data Navigation: Data with high relevance to the data searched by the user or the relevance between two or more data are provided visually. Full Screen

This is the search result screen for ‘BC Card Platform Common Code Information’.
Maximize the accuracy of your search results with the ‘Re-search within results’ and ‘Detailed search’ functions.

The ‘Finance’ icon represents 21 big data platforms.

The ‘Economy and Finance’ icon represents 11 fields.

If you click on the data title, the summary information of the data will be displayed on the right side of the screen.

If you click on the graph icon, you can also check the graph information of the data.

1. If you want to search including a word, put ‘+’ in front of the word.
There must be a space before ‘+’.

2. If you want to search excluding a word, put ‘-’ in front of the word.
There must be a space before ‘-’.

3. If you want to search including more than one word, put ‘ㅣ’ in front of the word.
There must be a space before/after ‘ㅣ’. Data Classification
Platform Field
Data Creation Date
Data Type
Data Type
Platform Shortcut Selection List: Select a list and click the link below to open the link in a new window.
Data is loading. Please wait a moment.

