우리카드 분실신고 Learn more about countermeasures against theft or loss of credit cards overseas|Emergency Service Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Hungary

우리카드 분실신고ㅇ If multiple credit cards are lost, you can use the credit card loss reporting service to report the loss to the customer center of one of the multiple credit card companies and register the loss of other cards as well. However, corporate cards cannot be collectively reported even if they are issued in the name of an individual, so you must report the loss separately.

ㅇ At most credit card companies, you can apply for compensation for the amount you did not use after a credit card was lost or stolen by paying a compensation processing fee. You must contact the credit card company directly.
* Even if a card without a signature is used fraudulently by a third party, the victim cannot receive compensation for damages. As soon as the credit card is issued, the customer must sign the signature on the back of the card.

card company
Lotte Card
(+82-2) 2280-2400
BC Card
(+82-2) 330-5701
Samsung Card
(+82-2) 2000-8100
Shinhan Card
(+82-2) 1544-7000
our card
(+82-2) 2169-5001
Hana Card
(+82-2) 3489-1000
Hyundai Card
(+82-2) 3015-9000
KB Kookmin Card
(+82-2) 6300-7300

ㅇ You can visit the nearest police station and fill out a report of loss or theft. -> Theft/Lost Report Information Link

우리카드 분실신고
