우리은행 사잇돌대출 Financial Policy – General Policy – Policy Forum – Financial Services Commission

우리은행 사잇돌대출1. Product Key Contents
□ Starting today, July 5, 9 banks nationwide will be launching the ‘Saetdol’ high-interest loan, so here are the main contents

□ (Target Customers) Those with medium credit with a CB 4~7 rating who have used or are likely to use non-bank loans, and those who have difficulty using existing bank products

Middle-income earners or medium credit with relatively good income or credit to use policy-based financial products such as Saehui Hope Loan

Those who have the ability to repay but have difficulty getting bank loans, such as young adults and pension recipients

Those who want to convert high-interest loans from secondary financial institutions to medium-interest loans from banks

□ (Loan Target) Those who have the ability to repay and meet the income criteria

Employment period of 6 months or more* Employee income: KRW 20 million or more

* Based on the same workplace, or including the period of employment at the previous workplace for those who changed jobs within 90 days

1 year or more Business income: 12 million won or more

* Considering the actual repayment ability of business income earners, such as income capture rate and fund use (business funds), set lower than 20 million won

Pension recipients for 1 month or more: 12 million won or more

* Considering the stability of pension income

※ If maintaining 2 or more incomes, combined and recognized

In addition to general income verification, converted income based on public pension such as national pension or health insurance premium payment performance is also recognized

□ (Loan limit) Up to 20 million won per person

* However, it is differentiated based on repayment ability evaluation, honest transaction performance, debt level, etc.

□ (Loan period) Up to 60 months without grace period, equal installment repayment of principal and interest

□ (Loan interest rate, etc.) Expected to be in the 6-10% range including “insurance premium + bank receipt”
ㅇ (Guarantee fee) Based on the repayment ability evaluation model of Seoul Guarantee Insurance for medium-credit borrowers, the annual interest rate is 1.81% to 5.32%

ㅇ (Bank receivables) Autonomous decision by each bank considering procurement costs, business expenses, etc.

※ Therefore, borrowers do not have to pay additional costs other than the agreed interest rate

ㅇ (Preferential interest rate) In case of sincere repayment and transaction history, preferential interest rate according to each bank’s policy ※ Early repayment fee is exempted
□ (Loan application method/procedure) If income requirements and other loan requirements are proven, same-day loan possible at the counter/mobile

ㅇ (Visit the counter) Visit/consult at 6,018 branches nationwide of 9 banks* → Immediate loan execution upon passing the screening/providing required documents

* 6,851 branches (tentative) after additional launch of 4 banks (Daegu, Busan, Gyeongnam, Gwangju) in September

ㅇ (Mobile counter) 2 banks have mobile platforms (Woori Same-day loan execution possible through Internet banking, Shinhan Sunny Bank)

2. Note
□ ‘Saetdol’ loan is a product designed by Seoul Guarantee Insurance and 9 banks, and there may be differences in loan conditions (interest rate, etc.) by bank

ㅇ It is advantageous to find out loan conditions such as interest rate, limit, and preferential requirements through telephone consultation with the bank, etc.

□ When refinancing an existing loan, it is necessary to consider the fluctuation of monthly repayment amount as the Saitdol loan is a principal and interest installment repayment structure without a grace period

ㅇ In addition, since each bank provides various maturity structures between 1 and 5 years, it is necessary to select an appropriate maturity considering each individual’s financial structure

□ For details, contact each bank’s branch or bank’s consultation center, etc.

Representative contact information*
Internet homepage
NH Nonghyup Bank
1588-2100, 1544-2100
banking.nonghyup.com, smartmarket.nonghyup.com
Shinhan Bank
Woori Bank
KEB Hana Bank
IBK Industrial Bank of Korea
KB Kookmin Bank
SH Suhyup Bank
Jeju Bank
Jeonbuk Bank
※ Attachment: Saitdol High-Interest Loan Bank Joint Promotion Poster
※ Attachment: Saitdol High-Interest Loan Product Related Q&A (Pre-Distribution)

우리은행 사잇돌대출
