요소수 가격 및 주입시기, 재고확인 방법 Urea price, injection time, and inventory check method

I would like to explain the urea water gas station. In addition to urea water gas stations, we would like to find out the price of urea water together. If you read all the information in this post, I think you will understand urea water gas stations and urea water prices. If you are interested in urea water gas stations and urea water prices, I think that if you read the text below one by one, you will be able to use the information related to urea water usefully in your daily life.

요소수 가격

요소수 가격

The Ministry of Environment announced that as of November 13, 2021, urea water for 60,000 trucks will be released to 100 gas stations across the country that are easily accessible and frequently used. This is a plan for Lotte Fine Chemical to supply 1.8 million liters of the 2 million liters produced with 700 tons of vehicle urea from private importers to 100 key gas stations across the country. It is said that 200,000 liters of other urea water is already scheduled to be used for essential public vehicles such as garbage trucks and village buses.

Lotte Fine Chemical announced that it plans to preemptively supply urea water to 100 gas stations and sequentially expand the supply to other gas stations that need urea water in cooperation with the Ministry of Environment.

Find a Urea Gas Station
Diesel vehicle urea water gas stations can be searched on the Lotte Fine Chemical Urox website, which produces urea water for vehicles.


1. Search for ‘Eurox’ in the green window or skip straight to step 2 and access the link to the Eurox homepage.


2. Go to the Lotte Fine Chemicals Urox website.


(Go to Lotte Fine Chemical Yurox homepage link)



Urea gas station information

In the case of gas stations where urea water is sold, it is not sold at all gas stations across the country, but rather at rather large gas stations that are easily accessible by trucks or buses, or at base gas stations that are easy to enter the cargo area. Accordingly, you can see that there are more gas stations in Incheon than in downtown Seoul, and in Gangseo-gu, near the airport or docks such as New Port, rather than downtown Busan.


3. Search using map apps such as Naver Map and Kakao Map.

In my case, I use Naver Maps. If you place a map near the area where you live and search with keywords such as ‘Yeosusu’ or ‘Yeosusu gas station’, if the owner of the gas station has registered ‘Yeosusu’ as a keyword, the gas station will be searched. Will be.


element price

4. Immediately call the phone number of the gas station you want to go to.

In case 2, it is possible to check inventory in real time because it can be checked on the Urox system, but in case 3, urea inventory is not managed as accurately as on the Urox website, so call the relevant gas station to check whether urea is actually sold. This may be a way to avoid wasting your visit.

Eurox urea water price
Lotte Fine Chemical sells Urox urea water in 200L drums and 1,000L large drums in addition to small 10L boxes. The price of urea water is approximately 10,000 to 20,000 won for 10 liters. It is true that the price of urea water is rising to about 20,000 won for a small 10-liter container after the urea crisis, but compared to the price of more than 100,000 won for 10 liters in the used market, the price is reasonable.


In fact, Yurox Naver Store Farm sells genuine Yurox urea water from Mercedes-Benz, BMW, and Hyundai cars for 12,000 won per 10 liters. Of course, most products are sold out due to demand from drivers who want to secure the number of urea in advance.


You can purchase Eurox urea water at the official Naver Store Farm, please refer to the link below.

(Direct link to Yurox Naver Store Farm)



Above, we learned in detail how to find a urea water gas station and price information on urea water.