오메가 3 부작용 Be aware of the side effects of Omega 3

오메가 3 부작용As interest in health increases, many people are taking various nutritional supplements on a regular basis. In particular, Omega 3 is a popular nutritional supplement that is easy to access and is good for the body, so it is classified as an essential nutritional supplement and many people take it every day. However, omega-3 also has side effects, and it is recommended to be careful because there are medications that should not be taken together with omega-3.

Surprisingly, the one that most people complain about among the side effects of Omega 3 is its unique fishy smell and taste. In particular, omega-3 products made from fish oil may have an aroma that cannot be consumed by those with a weak stomach. Also, even when swallowed by mouth, there are cases where a fishy smell occurs deep in the throat accompanied by nausea, so some people only look for plant-based omega-3 to consume.

In particular, taking Omega 3 on an empty stomach can cause diarrhea, loss of appetite, stomach cramps, and vomiting, so it is recommended to follow the Omega 3 dosage instructions carefully. The products you purchase and consume often have precise dosing instructions written on them. Most omega-3 dosage methods involve taking one capsule a day, but if it is difficult to take due to the fishy taste, it is recommended to take it with orange juice instead of water after a meal.

Additionally, some people experience symptoms such as diarrhea, nausea, indigestion, and gastric acid reflux after taking omega-3. This is because you consume products made from fish oil, which has a high fat content. If you experience the above symptoms despite eating the recommended amount, it is a good idea to consider vegetable omega-3.

Omega 3 has the effect of preventing blood from clotting. Therefore, if you consume more than 3g of Omega 3 per day, your blood may not clot and bleeding may continue. Due to its effect in inhibiting the formation of blood clots, it may cause nosebleeds or persistent bleeding from the gums.

Therefore, if you take omega-3, blood clotting inhibitors, aspirin, etc. together, your blood may become thin, making it difficult to stop the bleeding during an injury or bleeding surgery.

Even though omega-3 is good for the body, taking too much may suppress the activity of the immune system. In this case, the body’s ability to fight infection is weakened, so it is recommended that people with underlying diseases, the elderly, and pregnant women consume it in moderation.

The most important side effect of Omega 3 is the one related to high blood pressure. Omega 3 is an important ingredient that plays a role in lowering blood pressure. However, if you are already taking blood pressure medication, it is recommended to be careful when taking omega 3, as omega 3 may lower your blood pressure more than necessary.

Lastly, the main source of Omega 3 is fish or seafood. Therefore, those who are allergic to these foods are advised to choose plant-based omega-3 if possible.

Some people say that side effects of omega 3 cause skin problems, but there are no known skin problems as a side effect of omega 3. However, if you have skin that is constitutionally sensitive to fat, you may experience mild hives or skin problems.

For reference, many people worry about the time to take Omega 3, but it doesn’t really matter if you take Omega 3 at any time, except on an empty stomach in the morning. However, because it can be uncomfortable to eat, it is often eaten after a meal.

P.S. Those who regularly consume gamma-linolenic acid (evening primrose oil, etc.) are advised to be careful about taking omega-3. Many women take gamma-linolenic acid supplements separately because they are effective in treating osteoporosis, menopausal syndrome, and rheumatoid arthritis. However, the omega-6 fatty acid in gamma-linolenic acid is said to reduce the effectiveness of omega-3 fatty acids.

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