여권사진 사이즈 How to change using Paint

여권사진 사이즈When you right-click on the photo file, the following list will appear. If you click the edit button here, the Paint program will be activated. You can also open the Paint program and load the photo file.
Edit after selecting file

Click ‘Resize’ in the upper left corner of the activated Paint program to activate the resize window.
Active Paint program

I think it would be a good idea to follow the colors for this step. The size standard we need is pixels, so click ‘Pixel’ in the size adjustment section, change it to the pixel size change section, and then enter the size that suits your needs. In addition, you can check the ‘Maintain aspect ratio (M)’ at the bottom of the size input field. This means maintaining the aspect ratio. Since we will change the photo to a different size, check that area. Just turn it off.
Activate resizing window

Once the photo has been changed to the desired size, click ‘File’ in the upper left corner of the Paint program and select ‘JPEG picture’ in ‘Save As’ to save the photo file with the desired extension.
Save JPEG file

Resolution becomes complicated as it requires the use of a program such as Photoshop, so please note that we have taught you how to change only the size while the resolution conditions are met. You can change not only your passport photo but also your identification photo and resume photo to any size you want, so just check the size and proceed with the steps explained above.

This time, we learned how to change an existing photo file into a passport photo using Paint, a basic computer program for Windows. I took an identification photo a few days ago, but the passport photo was a different size, so I had to spend money to apply for a passport again. It may be a waste of money to take pictures just for yourself, but I hope you can apply for a passport without any additional cost by taking advantage of the methods I told you today.

When making a passport, check 3 things >>
When making a passport, check 3 things about
When making a passport, as long as you fill out the rest of the documents well, it passes without problems, but I don’t know what’s so complicated about passport photos. There are many things to take care of, such as not covering the face, no background color, and light reflection.

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