알레르기 비염 예방 및 치료방법 (feat.원인증상) Allergic rhinitis prevention and treatment method (feat. Certificate of cause)

The spring vibes are clear, but rhinitis patients with allergies will have a hard time with the weather these days with a large daily temperature difference. If you take medicine, you will be fine for a while, but you will have a lot of trouble because of the repeated symptoms of allergic rhinitis. Let’s learn more about how to wisely prevent and manage rhinitis symptoms.


Causes and types of rhinitis

Rhinitis has different symptoms and causes depending on the type. Types of rhinitis can be divided into three main types.

Clinic: Otolaryngology
Related body organ: nose
Related diseases: acute rhinitis, acute sinusitis, chronic sinusitis
01. Allergic rhinitis
Allergic rhinitis is the most common form of rhinitis, accounting for more than half of all rhinitis patients. It occurs when histamine is secreted from mast cells in the mucous membrane by stimulating the nasal mucosa, such as house dust mites, pollen, animal hair, and mold.

causes of allergic rhinitis

House dust mites are the cause of allergic rhinitis throughout the year, and pollen can be seen as seasonal causes such as changing seasons. In addition, allergic rhinitis is influenced by family history in addition to external antigens.


알레르기 비염 예방

알레르기 비염 예방


During the changing seasons, the number of people who complain of suffering from allergic rhinitis increases due to the large daily temperature difference and the high amount of yellow dust and fine dust.


allergic rhinitis symptoms

Allergic rhinitis includes clear runny nose, frequent sneezing, nasal congestion, itching around the eyes, eye congestion, sleep disturbance, and difficulty concentrating. Symptoms are similar to those of a cold, but it is characterized by no fever, and symptoms of a cold are alleviated within about a week, but symptoms of allergic rhinitis persist until the causative substance is eliminated.


02. Chronic hypertrophic rhinitis
There are nasal conchas (turbinates) inside the nose (nasal cavity), and it is said that there are usually three upper, middle, and lower turbinates. Among them, the condition in which the lower turbinates are enlarged is called ‘hypertrophic rhinitis’, and the most common symptom of nasal congestion (nasal obstruction) It’s one of the causes. All causes of chronic rhinitis can be the cause of hypertrophic rhinitis, and when chronic rhinitis continues for a long time, when there is a deviation of the septum or chronic sinusitis (sinusitis), and when mucosal constrictors (medicines sprayed in the nose) are used for a long time, it also appears. It is said to be.


Symptoms of chronic hypertrophic rhinitis

Chronic hypertrophic rhinitis usually presents with symptoms such as runny nose, runny nose, stuffy nose, sense of smell, headache, sleep disorder, etc. In the findings of the nose, the mucous membrane of the nose is dark red and red, the nasal flesh is thickened, and especially the anterior and posterior ends show a round shape. Unlike allergic rhinitis, the symptoms are alleviated during the day, but the symptoms are worse at night.

03. Vasomotor rhinitis

Vasomotor rhinitis occurs when the nerve cells in the nose react sensitively to abnormal dilation of blood vessels in the nose when drinking alcohol, eating hot food, cigarette smoke, stress, spicy and salty food, or perfume.


Vasomotor rhinitis symptoms

When vasomotor rhinitis occurs, the blood vessels in the nose dilate, excessive secretion of mucus occurs, and the mucous membrane swells, resulting in nasal congestion. Also, unlike chronic hypertrophic rhinitis or allergic rhinitis, symptoms such as sneezing and itching do not appear.

Remedies for rhinitis and stuffy nose symptoms

Drink plenty of water on a regular basis.
After going out and returning home, wash your hands and brush your teeth.
Avoid rapid temperature changes.
Avoid strong incense or cigarette smoke.
On days with severe fine dust and yellow dust, refrain from going out and wear a mask when going out.
Keep the indoor environment clean and properly adjust the temperature and humidity.
How to treat rhinitis


How to treat allergic rhinitis
Allergic rhinitis is said to be treated with medication according to the symptoms. If drug treatment is ineffective, surgical treatment can be considered, but surgical treatment is not the answer, and for allergic rhinitis, even after surgery, there is a risk of symptoms recurring over time, so it is said that drug treatment is used even after surgery. do.

Drugs used to treat allergic rhinitis can be largely divided into oral antihistamines and intranasal steroids.



How to treat chronic hypertrophic rhinitis
The purpose of treatment is to reduce the space occupied by the thickened lower turbinate to secure breathing space in the nasal cavity to solve discomfort such as nasal congestion. Turbinal thickening can be caused by mucosal thickening and inferior turbinate thickening. If mucosal thickening occurs, conservative treatment such as topical vasoconstrictors, oral mucosal constrictors, and topical steroids is first performed, followed by chronic However, in cases of thickening of the turbinate bone, medications are often ineffective, so surgical methods such as turbinoplasty or turbinectomy are performed.



How to treat vasomotor rhinitis
Treatment is to avoid irritating factors, and in most cases topical corticosteroids are said to be effective. If a runny nose is severe or is the only symptom, drugs such as the topical anticholinergic ipratropium (Atrovent) and antihistamines are said to be helpful. It is said that it is necessary to receive a doctor’s prescription and use it within a short period of time because it can cause drug-related rhinitis.


In cases where drug treatment has failed or patients with severe symptoms have hypertrophy of the turbinates, symptoms can be alleviated using traditional inferior turbinoplasty, electrocautery or drug cautery, and inferior turbinoplasty using laser or high-frequency cautery.

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