아동급식카드 발급 조건 Child Meal Card Qualifications and Merchant Inquiry

아동급식카드 발급 조건Child Meal Card Qualifications, Merchant Information

It is said that Korea’s GDP has overtaken Italy, which belongs to the G7. It is said that Korea’s economy is also expected to settle into the world’s 10th largest economy. However, as of 2020, the number of undernourished children is 400,000, and it is said that it is a trend that is rapidly increasing every year, so the polarization seems to be getting worse.

It is becoming a problem of missing children due to the disintegration of families and the increase in the number of poor people. To this end, in Korea, since July 1, 2009, children from low-income families have been provided with a child meal card called Dream Card for children to support meals and improve nutrition.

It is said that cards can be issued at local community centers, and the number of meals provided depends on the family environment. Children’s meal card qualifications are for children under the age of 18 who are at risk of missing meals. If you look closely, it targets children from recipients, the next-lowest class, single-parent families, etc., children who are found or concerned about undernutrition, and children who use child welfare programs such as local children’s centers or social welfare centers.

For preschool children, we provide selective support for breakfast, lunch, and dinner depending on the child’s characteristics. Feeding methods may vary depending on the child’s characteristics or regional conditions. School children can receive lunch support from the Office of Education during the semester, and local governments provide lunch support on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays during the semester.

School-aged children can receive meal support from local governments instead of school meal support from the Office of Education during vacation. As with preschool children, we support various meal methods. In other words, it can be seen as a system with a good purpose so that children from poor families can eat a balanced diet without worrying about food because they can buy a meal equivalent to school lunches outside of school with the Dream Card.

If you are subject to the child meal card qualification conditions, you, your family, neighbors, related person, or public official in charge can apply ex officio and visit the eup, myeon, or dong community service center. Online application can be made by the child’s parents or legal guardians through the ‘Bokil Road’ website.

As for the amount of child meal card support, 5,000 won per meal is supported in Seoul and Busan, but the amount varies slightly by region. Since each local government issues individual cards, the name of the card or the amount of support may inevitably be slightly different.

In some cases, the maximum usage amount per day is set, so if you are eligible for a child meal card and apply for it, check the usage standards. The number of times of use is limited to 2 times during vacation and 1 time in other cases.

You can check child meal card member stores through the child meal service guide for each local government. It is said that most convenience stores are affiliated, and the number of chain stores has increased. Although there are not many private restaurant affiliates, the number of restaurants is limited, but I think the reality is getting better little by little when I recall the case of using only convenience stores in the past.

However, it is said that processed foods are still the most consumed at convenience stores where payment is convenient and the items are diverse. For the balanced development of children, it seems that it is time for local governments to make efforts so that they can enjoy a variety of meals through the expansion and promotion of children’s meal card merchants rather than meals with processed foods as the mainstream.

I learned about the child meal card qualifications and member stores. If you have any questions about this, please contact the local community center or call the Health and Welfare Counseling Center at 129 to get an accurate answer. We look forward to substantial improvements in the children’s meal system so that undernourished children can grow well so that they are no longer hungry.

아동급식카드 발급 조건
