신호위반 카메라 벌금 The standard fines and demerit points recorded by traffic violation cameras

신호위반 카메라 벌금I should have stopped at a yellow light, but somehow I went over the intersection at a red light. Fortunately, there was no car, but there was an unmanned enforcement camera, so I was worried. That’s why I started looking into the standards that are taken by signal violation cameras. And if you get caught, we also looked at what happens to fines and penalty points for traffic violations.

First of all, I applied for a service that sends a text message when a fine is issued for traffic violations such as traffic violations, parking violations, or speeding violations on the traffic complaint website operated by the National Police Agency called Ipain.

I haven’t received a text message yet to find out if there was a violation or if the information didn’t reach the police department or if it was missing. Please don’t keep coming.

First of all, I will brief you on what I learned about the standards for being taken by signal violation cameras. Foolishly, I knew by now that there was a speed measuring machine on the camera or in that location.

But that wasn’t it. The secret of the standards taken by traffic violation cameras was on the road. When you come to a stop, you stand at the white stop line.

If you look closely at the road to that white stop line, you’ll see cracks in the floor. The shape is a rectangle. That’s the first sensor. And in the middle of the intersection is the second and final sensor.

So, if you pass through the sensor at the red light, you will be subject to crackdown according to the standards recorded by the signal violation camera.

There is a story that the traffic light changes from a yellow light to a red light and the picture is taken 2-3 seconds later, and in some places, there is a story that the picture is taken right from then when it changes to a red light.

The standard taken by the traffic violation camera may vary slightly from region to region, so it seems to be the default to stop at a yellow light.

Even if you cross the primary sensor at a yellow light, if you do not cross the secondary sensor at a red light, you are not subject to enforcement, so you must stop or proceed according to the situation so that you do not get caught in a traffic violation crackdown.

If you are caught by an unmanned enforcement camera like this, what will be the penalty points for negligence? If you get caught on a speed camera, you will be fined, but there are no penalty points. If you are caught by a police officer, you will receive a fine and demerit points, not a traffic light fine.

There is a difference between fines for negligence on traffic lights and fines for school zones in front of schools. In the case of general roads, a car is 70,000 won when a traffic signal is violated.

If you violate the signal in the children’s protection area, which is a school zone in front of the school, you must pay 130,000 won in addition to 60,000 won. It costs almost twice as much, so we need to make sure that the signal is well maintained in the protected area.

Of course, the same goes for public roads. In the case of a passenger car, a traffic violation fine of the same price as above applies. A van costs 10,000 won more than a car.

Please note that two-wheeled vehicles such as motorcycles are 50,000 won if they violate a traffic signal on a general road and 90,000 won in protected areas.

Today, we looked at the standards for being taken by traffic violation cameras and the penalty points for traffic violations. If you think it was caught on camera, you can check it by checking the fine for negligence through the recent unmanned crackdown details at eFine a week later.

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신호위반 카메라 벌금
