신협 인터넷뱅킹 Credit Union Internet Banking

A credit cooperative (credit cooperative) is a credit cooperative organization organized on the basis of ties between residential areas, organizations, and religions.

Most of them have the idea that the first financial sector is safe. Strictly speaking, this is not wrong, but in Korea, each financial institution guarantees up to KRW 50 million in total principal and interest per depositor per depositor in accordance with the Depositor Protection Act, so you do not have to worry about transactions with secondary financial institutions. 신협 인터넷뱅킹

Compared to the 1st financial sector, the stability of the 2nd financial sector is somewhat lower and the personal credit loan interest rate is higher.

Credit Union Internet Banking How to register an accredited certificate from another institution 좋은뉴스

신협 인터넷뱅킹
Access the Shinhyup Personal Banking website and click [Authorized Authentication Center] at the top of the main screen.

When you are connected to the accredited certification center page, click [Register certificates from other institutions] in the left side menu.

You will be connected to the third-party certification registration page. After entering all the [Certificate Type Selection, Account Number, Account Password, Date of Birth] information, click [Confirm User].

When the digital signature creation window opens, select the registered third-party public certificate, enter the certificate password, and click [OK].

The security media verification process is in progress. Among the authentication methods, mobile phone SMS authentication is not currently supported, so select [2-Channel Authentication] and proceed with the mobile phone number authentication process.

After completing the 2-channel authentication, enter the security card or OTP response number and click [Confirm User].

The credit union internet banking authentication certificate registration process has been completed.