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2024.04.10 (Wed)

North Korea launches ballistic missile into the East Sea… Provocations resumed after a month
Japan “North Korea launches suspected ballistic missile object twice… “Falling outside the EEZ”
Central Disaster and Safety Countermeasures Headquarters: “Serious concerns about medical school professors resigning… “Please do not betray the trust of the people.”
[Exclusive] Police investigation begins into post “There will be stabbings at girls’ high schools and middle and high schools”

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I disassembled the Samsung Galaxy S24… The core chip is not a Samsung product?
[General Election] W “Democratic Party, already pop the champagne… “The general election is a judgment on the dictatorship of the National Assembly.”
Ohtani gets warm cheers despite consecutive strikeouts… Special greetings from the Dodgers manager
‘Panda conservation’ is more problematic in the future… “Bamboo is disappearing”
Corporate account in billions of voice phishing… Even with the introduction of a surveillance system, there are ‘blind spots’
“The professor’s resignation scares the public… “We will end the culture of collective action.”

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