스마트스토어 양도양수 [Naver Store] How to transfer and acquire ‘Smart Store’

1. Possible when the transferor closes the business

· When changing from a simple/individual business to a corporate business or from a corporate business to a simple/individual business

· If the business registration number of a simple/individual business has changed

· If the corporate registration number of the corporate business has changed


2. Available only to family members

· If the individual seller member has already registered the relevant business registration number when converting to a business.

· When a personal selling member has a different representative when converting to a business

· When only the representative of an individual business is changed without changing the business number

How to apply for transfer and acquisition

Please check the precautions and required documents when applying for Smart Store transfer and transfer, and apply by clicking the link below.

Go directly to application for transfer and acquisition




※ Screening progress details and results will be sent to the Smart Store Center within 3 business days.

You will be notified to the mobile phone number specified in the business transfer approval form.


※ If you transfer and acquire the entire store you own, business transfer is also possible.

Please include both the store name and store URL in the approval request form.


※ If only part of the stores you own are transferred, business transfer is also possible.

Please enter only the store name and store URL in the approval request form.


1. Required documents if the transferor closes the business


· [Common] 1 copy of request for approval for business transfer


· Transferor: 1 copy of personal/corporate seal certificate (in case of individual/simple business, a certificate of signature of the representative can be replaced, issued within the last 3 months), certificate of business closure


· Transferee: 1 copy of personal/corporation seal certificate (for individuals/simple businesses, a confirmation of the representative’s own signature can be replaced; issued within the last 3 months), a bankbook in the name of the representative (or business) or corporation (replaces the online bankbook cover with the account opening confirmation) (Available) 1 copy, 1 copy of business registration certificate (issued within the last 1 year), 1 copy of mail order business report


Download the business transfer approval request form


2. Required documents if transfer between family members is necessary.


· [Common] 1 copy of request for approval for business transfer

스마트스토어 양도양수

· Transferor: 1 copy of personal/corporate seal certificate (in case of individual/simple business, a certificate of signature of the representative can be replaced, issued within the last 3 months), family relationship certificate


· Transferee: 1 copy of personal/corporation seal certificate (for individuals/simple businesses, a confirmation of the representative’s own signature can be replaced; issued within the last 3 months), a bankbook in the name of the representative (or business) or corporation (replaces the online bankbook cover with the account opening confirmation) (Available) 1 copy, 1 copy of business registration certificate (issued within the last 1 year), 1 copy of mail order business report


Download the business transfer approval request form


스마트스토어 양도양수


* If the transfer is made by an abuser or in an incorrect manner, the store will be closed without warning.