소상공인 전기요금 특별지원 Corporate Forum>Policy Information>Policy News>Press Release

소상공인 전기요금 특별지원– For small and medium-sized business owners whose management burden has increased due to realistic electricity rates, temporary support of up to KRW 200,000 in electricity bills is provided.

– Apply online at “Small Business Electricity Bill Special Support.kr” from Wednesday, February 21, and the odd/even system is applied based on the last digit of the business registration number for the first 4 days of application.

※ Source: Ministry of SMEs and Startups (☞Go here)
07074 Small and Medium Venture Business Research Institute, 77 Sindaebang 1ga-gil, Dongjak-gu, Seoul
System inquiry kosi@bizinfo.go.kr / Tel. 02-867-9765
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소상공인 전기요금 특별지원
