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Tax Unpaid Inquiry: What You Need to Know

Taxes are one of the few certainties in life, and for good reason. With taxes, governments can provide essential services that keep the country running, such as roads, schools, and healthcare. But what happens if you don’t pay your taxes? In this blog post, we’re going to discuss everything you need to know about a tax unpaid inquiry.

What is a Tax Unpaid Inquiry?

A tax unpaid inquiry is an investigation by the IRS (Internal Revenue Service) or your state tax authority into unpaid taxes. This inquiry can be triggered by a suspicion of tax evasion, late or failure to pay taxes, or any other reason, and is designed to determine whether you owe taxes and how much.

What Happens During a Tax Unpaid Inquiry?

The investigation process starts with a notification of the inquiry to the taxpayer. The notification will include the reasons for the inquiry, the years in question, and the deadline for responding. The taxpayer will then be required to provide information such as bank statements, receipts, and other documents that the tax agency may require.

What are the Penalties for Unpaid Taxes?

Failure to pay your taxes can result in serious consequences. If the tax unpaid inquiry reveals that you have not paid your taxes, you will be required to pay the amount owed, including any interest and penalties. The penalties can be stiff, and they can include fines, interest charges, court costs, and even jail time.

What are Your Rights During a Tax Unpaid Inquiry?

As a taxpayer, you have rights during a tax unpaid inquiry. These rights include the right to be represented by a tax attorney, the right to refuse to provide information that may incriminate you, and the right to appeal any decisions made by the tax authorities.

How Can You Prevent a Tax Unpaid Inquiry?

The best way to prevent a tax unpaid inquiry is to pay your taxes on time and accurately. If you have trouble paying your taxes, there are options available to you. You can work with a tax professional to set up a payment plan or file for an Offer in Compromise to reduce the amount owed.


In conclusion, a tax unpaid inquiry is a serious matter that should not be taken lightly. It is essential to keep up with your tax obligations to avoid penalties and investigations by the tax authorities. However, if you find yourself in a tax unpaid inquiry, remember that you have rights as a taxpayer and can seek legal representation to assist you.


Q1. Should I consult a tax attorney during a tax unpaid inquiry?
A: Yes, it is advisable to consult a tax attorney during a tax unpaid inquiry. An attorney can help you navigate the process and ensure that your rights are upheld.

Q2. Can I negotiate a payment plan with the tax agency?
A: Yes, you can. You can work with a tax professional or the tax agency to set up a payment plan that suits your financial situation.

Q3. What happens if I fail to respond to the inquiry notification?
A: Failure to respond to the inquiry notification can result in a default judgment against you, meaning that you will be assumed guilty of tax evasion.

Q4. Can I appeal a decision made by the tax authorities?
A: Yes, you can. Taxpayers have the right to appeal any decisions made by tax authorities.

Q5. What should I do if I can’t afford to pay my taxes?
A: If you can’t afford to pay your taxes, you can work with a tax attorney to set up a payment plan or file for an Offer in Compromise to reduce the amount owed.

Q6. How long does a tax unpaid inquiry last?
A: The length of a tax unpaid inquiry is dependent on the complexity of the case. Some inquiries may take a few weeks to resolve, while others may take several months or even years.


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