상표권 등록 Easily apply for trademark registration + priority examination in 2024 – Kmong

상표권 등록VOD
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We made self-trademark registration easy for anyone to follow.
You must absolutely go through priority review. The number of applications is increasing.
You must protect your intellectual property rights.
Applying for trademark registration and priority examination. It consists of a total of 37 pages of images and explanations and is designed to be easy to follow. It consists of 2 types of trademark registration file and priority examination registration file. Trademark registration file: 20 pages in total. Registration for priority examination application File: A total of 17 pages. A total of 37 pages, consisting of images and descriptions, designed to be easy to follow. Please protect your assets by registering your trademark rights with the 2022 revised edition! Applying as quickly as possible will lead to faster registration. I lose. Buy it now^^

-When applying for trademark rights through a patent attorney-

Trademark application fee: 56,000
Agency fee: 100,000-300,000 won
Registration bonus: 200,000-300,000 won
Patent attorney fee: 200,000-500,000 won
10-year registration fee: 220,000 won

(When applying for priority review)
Priority review application fee: 160,000 won
Patent attorney fee for priority review application: KRW 150,000-300,000

-When applying for self-trademark rights-

Trademark application fee: 56,000
10-year registration fee: 220,000 won

(When applying for priority review)
Priority review application fee: 160,000 won

An agency fee of approximately 300,000-1,000,000 won is incurred compared to doing it yourself. For detailed agency fees, please refer to

You can find out more details on each patent attorney’s website.

This file has been newly revised in 2022.

I am currently applying for six self-trademark rights and have registered two.

It was created directly with image capture and explanation during actual self-registration.

We made it as easy as possible so that even elementary school students can easily follow along.

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