사회복지사가 하는 일 01. What social workers do > Social workers | Korea’s No. 1 lifelong education platform, Cellhak

사회복지사가 하는 일1. What social workers do

A social worker is an economic or psychological
People who are experiencing problems or are expected to have problems
Identify the problem and find a solution to overcome the problem
We do things to help you escape.

Solve the target’s problems by utilizing various resources around you,
Connect with people and organizations that can help the target person
I’m working on support.

2. Classification of social worker duties

The work of a social worker is largely divided into field work and
It is divided into policy and administrative work.

1) What is field work?
If you need help at a welfare center or various support centers,
This is a job that involves meeting people in person and providing services.

Find out what problem the target person is facing
We manage the entire process until the problem is resolved.
This is called ‘case management’.

Go directly to the place where the subject lives and discuss the environment and people around you.
Examine relationships, identify problems, and plan solutions.

If a solution is applied by utilizing and connecting resources,
Whether the subject adapts well, what kind of performance they show, etc.
It requires continuous attention.

If you do not respond to treatment or there is no significant change
Other resources can also be discovered and reconnected.

2) What is policy and administrative work?
Social welfare organizations utilize government subsidies and donations.
Because we provide a service, we document most of our content.

Documents from welfare institutions are evaluated by the institution itself in the first and second half of the year,
Or, it is reflected in the year-end evaluation and the Ministry of Health and Welfare facility evaluation.
How efficiently do we utilize limited financial resources?
It serves as an indicator to evaluate how transparently it is used.

Representative examples include official documents, welfare target selection, program budget,
Activity details, volunteer application form, program log, counseling log,
There are project results reports, external agency requests, etc.

3. Areas of social worker activity

The fields of activity of social workers are general and
It can be divided into extended areas.

1) General area

· Public social welfare area
I am a civil servant dedicated to social welfare.

· Social welfare institutions and facilities area
At a welfare center or private social welfare facility
I am a regular social worker.

· Health care area
Medical social workers working in hospitals or clinics
There are mental health social workers in the mental health field.

2) Extension area

· School social worker
Helping students solve problems at school.

· Volunteer activity management expert
We recruit volunteers and manage programs.

· Correctional social worker
I am a correctional officer who works at a correctional facility.

· Military social worker
We help current soldiers and their families solve their problems.

· Industrial social worker
Helping businesses improve the welfare of their workers.

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