이름으로 사람찾기 총정리 Summary of finding people by name

Sometimes you may want to find an old friend or find the phone number of someone you haven’t seen in a while. In times like this, you may not know what to do and may feel frustrated. It may be more helpful if you know a more effective way. Now, we will guide you on how to find a phone number by a person’s name more effectively.



Find phone number by person’s name



There are a few useful methods. You can try one thing at a time to find the phone number.


1. Find phone book or contact information

This is the simplest and easiest method. You may have saved it to your contacts without knowing. We recommend that you check first as the other person’s phone number may be accidentally saved.


2. Search the Internet

If you know the other person’s name, you can search for it on the Internet. Sometimes, we disclose our personal information online. Please search the other person’s name along with specific words through an internet portal.


3. Check social media

If the person you are looking for uses a social network such as Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter, please check their profile. The other person may have a phone number or email listed in their profile.


4. Public institution or company contact information

If the person you are looking for works at a public institution or a specific company, you can check their contact information through the institution’s website.


5. Find your phone number through KakaoTalk

This method can be used when the other person has saved the message in KakaoTalk. When you tap the other person’s KakaoTalk profile and press call, the other person’s phone number will be displayed.


6. Find out through acquaintances

Lastly, there is a way to find out through acquaintances. In some ways, it is the simplest and easiest method, but depending on the situation, it may also be the most difficult method. If you are not in an uncomfortable relationship, it would be a good idea to check with an acquaintance.


In conclusion

When finding the other person’s phone number, it may be a good idea to obtain their consent. All methods must be investigated within the legal framework, and we recommend that you strictly comply with the Personal Information Protection Act and regulations. This is a guide on how to find phone numbers by old friends and people’s names.