베이킹소다 사용법 Know the difference between baking soda, sodium percarbonate, and citric acid, how to use it, and precautions!

베이킹소다 사용법Baking soda, bicarbonate of soda, and citric acid are said to be natural detergents, so they are widely used. I have summarized the usage and precautions for each. Before we find out, if you know about the relationship between detergent, acid, and alkali, it will be easier to understand how to use detergent, so let’s find out first.

pH (hydrogen ion concentration) is classified as acidic, neutral, or alkaline.
Based on a pH of 7, a pH higher than 7 is ⬆ more alkaline, and a value less than 7 is ⬇ more acidic.
The higher the alkalinity, the better the cleaning effect.

Rinsing only with running water may not completely remove pesticides. Baking soda is effective in removing pesticides from fruit.
Do not mix with citric acid or vinegar, and use only baking soda to clean.
❌ Be careful because the carbonic acid gas that occurs when acidic (vinegar, citric acid) and alkalinity (baking soda) meet is not good for the body.

Sodium percarbonate is a strong base with a pH of 11 and has a bleaching function (it is better to use hot water at this time) while meeting water and generating oxygen.
❌ Use after wearing rubber gloves to protect the skin as it belongs to strong alkalinity.
❌ It is dangerous to use with chlorine-based products (such as bleach) because chlorine gas is generated.
❌ Do not use on fabrics that cannot be washed with alkaline bleach.
❌ When purchasing, check whether 100% oxygen-based bleach is used without artificial additives

Since it is a weakly acidic substance with a pH of 1.5, it has no great effect on sterilization or cleaning, and it plays a role in suppressing bacterial growth, deodorizing, and dissolving contaminants during cleaning.
Because it has the ability to adsorb mineral ions and not cause precipitation, it is mainly used as a natural fabric softener or to remove water stains on stainless steel or glass.
Because it is acidic, it is also used to neutralize and remove alkalinity such as bathroom odor, fishy smell, and scale.

Since citric acid is a natural detergent, you can reduce the number of washer rinses.
When washing padding, use citric acid because fabric softener can damage goose and duck down.
❌ It becomes transparent when dissolved in water, so be sure to keep it separate.
❌ If you use it with chlorine-based bleach (Lax), you should not use it together because it is harmful to your body.
❌ If you use it on tiles or marbles that need to be polished, you should not use it because the acid will remove the gloss.

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