무직자 신용대출 Where to get an emergency loan without a job | Mobile microloan | Easy place to get savings bank loans – Fine M News

무직자 신용대출People who are not engaged in economic activities while preparing for employment, changing jobs, or taking a short break from work are called unemployed, and for some reason, there are more places where money is needed when taking a break from work.
Just because you’re unemployed doesn’t mean you can’t get a loan. There’s just a chance that you won’t be able to get a loan. In the case of loans to the unemployed, they are classified into first or second financial institutions with relatively low interest rates depending on the conditions such as the individual’s financial history.
First-tier financial institutions and places that provide loans to the unemployed at low interest rates include Woori Card, KB Kookmin Card, and Kakao Bank, which belong to first-tier financial institutions. Representative financial products are as follows.
Woori Bank’s All-in-One Loan is a credit loan that even unemployed people and housewives can apply for. It is also highly useful as an emergency fund loan as it allows deposits 24 hours a day, excluding banking hours (00:00 – 00:30).
The characteristics and advantages of Woori Bank’s all-in-one loan are that even housewives and unemployed people with no income can take out the loan, and there are no early repayment or handling fees, so there is no burden of fees due to lump sum repayment.
A representative example of an emergency fund loan provided by Woori Bank is the Wibee Loan. You can apply for Wibee Loan through a dedicated app, and the conditions are as follows.
Woori Bank Wibee Loan has a maximum limit of 3 million won and is highly useful as an emergency loan with easy application through a mobile app and quick deposit.
Kakao Bank Emergency Loan is a representative loan product of Kakao Bank (the first financial institution), an internet bank created by Kakao. The biggest feature of Kakao Bank’s loans for the unemployed is that the limit is low, but in the form of a mobile small loan, you can apply/deposit quickly and easily anytime, anywhere when you need emergency funds.
Additionally, there are no restrictions on occupation or income, so even unemployed people and housewives can apply.
Detailed conditions are as follows.
There are no fees for early repayment or costs borne by the customer, and applications are available 24 hours a day, excluding bank inspection hours (23:30 ~ 00:30).
The interest rates of emergency fund loans are divided into emergency fund loans and emergency fund loans for medium credit.
The base interest rate is 3.536% per year, and the additional interest rate ranges from 1.1% to 11.464% depending on the individual.
Therefore, the minimum interest rate is 4.536% and the maximum interest rate is 15% (as of February 7, 2023). Since it is a variable interest rate, you must check the interest rate on the day of application.
The base interest rate is the same (3.536%), but the additional interest rate varies from 2.744% to 8.117% per year.
Therefore, the minimum interest rate is 6.180% per annum and the maximum interest rate is 11.653%.
Kakao Bank belongs to the first financial sector, so your credit rating will not be significantly lowered just because you receive an emergency loan. However, there may be differences depending on the number of loans you are currently using or your debt status.
If your credit rating is relatively low, it is better to look into financial products from savings banks, which are second-tier financial institutions, rather than first-tier financial institutions and low-interest loans.
The emergency fund loan, a loan for the unemployed, provided by SBI Savings Bank, the most well-known of the second-tier savings banks, has relatively broad eligibility conditions, making it a financial product that makes it easy for even people with low credit ratings to get loan approval.
※ Click here to check NICE credit score
Since it is a second-tier financial product, the interest rate is somewhat higher than that of first-tier financial institutions and low-interest loans for the unemployed, with a minimum fixed interest rate of 14.2% to 17.5% per year.
The loan limit is up to 5 million won, and the loan period can be selected on a yearly basis from 1 to 3 years.
The biggest feature is that no supporting documents are required when applying for a loan, and you can apply through the SBI Savings Bank Cider Bank app.
This is a housewife OK loan product provided by OK Savings Bank as a savings bank credit loan product for women and housewives. Interest rates among loans to the unemployed are relatively high.
It is intended for married women over the age of 30, and their credit score must be 351 or higher according to NICE standards.
Since the qualifications are limited to housewives, occupation and income are of course irrelevant, and the early repayment fee is set at a maximum of 1%.
So far, we have looked at places where unemployed people can get loans. If your credit rating is well managed and you need a relatively small amount, there are low-interest mobile small loan products from primary financial institutions. If your credit rating is low, there are loans for the unemployed from secondary financial institutions such as savings banks.
In the case of loans for unemployed people with no income, the limit is lower than that of general credit loans, so please use them as an emergency fund.
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