무인 아이스크림 창업비용 Will it make money to start an unmanned ice cream business? (Startup costs, margin rate, net profit)

무인 아이스크림 창업비용Most office workers like me probably have a desire for income other than salary.
If you want to start a business, you don’t have that much passion or investment (of course, you don’t have time).

These days, labor costs have risen a lot, so profit structures that make money ‘unmanned’ 24 hours a day are popular.
When I looked carefully at the neighborhood I live in, I saw that there were a lot of unmanned ice cream stores, unmanned cafes, unmanned meal kits, unmanned reading rooms, etc.

First, we will learn about unmanned ice cream stores and look at the remaining themes.

1. You must decide whether to run a franchise or start a business as an individual.
– My opinion is, ‘There is no need to franchise.’ Even if you do not go through a franchise, you can easily achieve the same unit price through a local distributor. There is no need to include an intermediate distribution process.

2. How much does it cost to start a business?
– First of all, essential items will be freezers, kiosks, air conditioners, and the first batch of ice cream. It is good if you can rent a freezer from a distributor, a kiosk can be rented (about 50,000 won per month), an air conditioner costs about 2 million won, and the initial quantity is about 6 to 7 million won.
– Interior costs, such as signs, shelves, and electrical expansion, vary greatly, but in total, they can be settled in the 5 to 6 million won range.

3. Which stores are suitable for unmanned stores?
– Due to the nature of the industry, location is vital. It is good to have a walking life area, and it is even better if it is a commercial area within an apartment.
– The size of the exclusive area seems to be between 10 pyeong and 15 pyeong.
– You need to carefully consider the deposit and monthly rent. It varies greatly by region, but it is likely to be difficult if the monthly rent exceeds 10% of the expected sales considering the location (considering a 30% margin).

4. What is the margin (net profit)?
– The margin for ice cream is about 30-35%, and for confectionery, the margin is high at 40-50%.

5. How much will the monthly electricity bill be?
– Approximately 500,000 won per 10 pyeong in one summer. In winter, it is expected to cost around 200,000 to 300,000 won.

Conclusion: Unmanned ice cream stores have a simple profit structure. This is the money left over after subtracting costs (monthly rent + rental fee + interest + cost + utilities) from sales. The barrier to entry is low due to the simple profit structure. Therefore, it is recommended to open a business in a walking commercial area that you cannot help but pass by in the neighborhood. I think you can survive by calculating expected sales and setting the monthly rent at 10% or less of the expected monthly sales.
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