면역력 높이는 영양제 What are some nutritional supplements that boost immunity?

면역력 높이는 영양제


Many infectious diseases and seasonal diseases, including COVID-19, are threatening our health.
The most important thing to overcome numerous diseases is our body’s immunity.
What nutritional supplements will boost your immune system?
One of the easiest ways to increase immunity responsible for our health is to provide the nutrients our body needs through food and food.

However, it is true that it is not easy to eat one by one in a busy daily life.

So easy-to-eat nutritional supplements can be the best option to improve our body’s immunity.

According to a study, taking four nutritional supplements, multivitamin, vitamin D, omega 3, and probiotics, to increase immunity, helps our body greatly.

Nutritional supplements that boost our body’s immune system.
vitamin D
Omega 3
In fact, studies have shown that if you take nutritional supplements that increase immunity steadily, your chances of getting sick are 10% lower than those who do not, so it is very important to take nutritional supplements steadily.

It is the most common multivitamin that modern people take.

In fact, it would be best to take the necessary nutrients separately, but it is a great luxury for modern people who live a busy daily life to have such a time.

Therefore, if you want to take some nutritional supplements, but you don’t know, choosing a multivitamin is a very good choice.

Vitamins are essential nutrients that defend the body when disease-causing substances such as viruses and bacteria enter the body.


Vitamin C, most commonly known as an immune and strong antioxidant, creates and promotes components that protect cells from viral infection, protecting our bodies, preventing and restoring cells from being damaged by antioxidants.

Vitamin B promotes the body’s energy and activates metabolism, reducing fatigue caused by stress in our body, thereby reducing the burden on the body.

Vitamin E is also a powerful antioxidant that helps reduce the level of active oxygen that causes aging of cells in our body.

Omega 3
Omega-3 is a great nutrient for increasing immunity, which is found in salmon and other blue fish.

However, it is not easy to eat as food, so if you take omega-3 through nutritional supplements, you can effectively supply the nutrients your body needs.

Unsaturated fatty acids high in omega-3 are known to have an excellent effect on relieving stress and aging inflammation.


It has a tremendous effect on removing and reducing inflammation enough to be called a natural anti-inflammatory drug, and has a great effect on improving the immune system of our body by promoting the function of white blood cells.

In addition, when aging occurs with age, it helps to effectively control blood pressure or triglyceride levels that increase naturally, so if you care about your immunity, you must take Omega 3.

vitamin D
Even if you take multivitamins, it has a great effect on your body’s immunity and adult diseases, as you have to take vitamin D separately.

Vitamin D strengthens the immune regulation, prevents inflammatory cells from increasing, enhancing the body’s immunity, and in particular strengthening the health of the bronchial tubes vulnerable to seasonal respiratory diseases, which greatly helps prevent colds and flu.


Although excessive intake of nutrients by modern people is a problem, more than half of adults in Korea complain of side effects due to increased vitamin D deficiency.

In particular, if you have symptoms of diabetes, high blood pressure, or osteoporosis that come naturally as aging progresses, you can take vitamin D, so please take it.

Research that improves immunity and health by improving the intestinal environment has recently been verified through various media.

In particular, it is known that the immune improvement brought about by good microorganisms in the intestine is more effective than expected.

Probiotics increase beneficial bacteria in the intestine, helping improve not only immunity but also inflammatory bowel diseases, blood vessels and allergic diseases.

Recently, it is also an essential nutritional supplement for pets, so I hope you take it.면역력 높이는 영양제