맹장 위치 증상The main symptoms and treatment of ‘appendicitis’ with different symptoms by age
Appendicitis is a well-known and familiar disease. When you hear pain in the right lower abdomen, most people think of appendicitis. However, if you delay when you have abdominal pain, it will explode in your stomach and increase the risk of complications. That’s why it’s important to be aware of the early symptoms of appendicitis that can be easily overlooked. In particular, there are some differences in symptoms according to appendicitis according to age. Let’s look at the causes of appendicitis and the characteristics of the main symptoms.
The part that leads from the small intestine to the large intestine is called the cecum. Attached to the end of this appendix is a sinuous appendix about 8 cm long. When this appendix becomes inflamed, it is commonly called appendicitis. However, the correct diagnosis is acute appendicitis.
※Causes of appendicitis
Appendicitis occurs when the entrance to the appendix is blocked. When the appendix is blocked, bacteria multiply in it and secrete toxic substances. Because of this, the appendix becomes inflamed, causing damage to the internal mucous membrane and ulceration. Eventually, the wall of the appendix necrosis, forming a hole and bursting.
* Causes of obstruction of the appendix
– Hyperproliferation of lymphoid tissue around the appendix
-Foreign substances, parasites, tumors, etc.
▶Danger of bursting in the stomach if left unattended
Abdominal pain or indigestion, which are early symptoms of appendicitis, are dangerous if left untreated. This is because when the appendix bursts in the stomach, it causes serious complications. In the early stages of appendicitis, pus collects inside the appendix, and over time, the wall of the appendix rots, forming a hole and pus coming out.
This spread of pus to the stomach is called peritonitis, and peritonitis can lead to serious complications such as sepsis. If surgery is not performed, the appendix usually ruptures within 3 days after appendicitis symptoms begin. Appendices rupture in about 25% of patients with appendicitis.
*Time and rate from onset of appendicitis to perforation
-Within 24 hours: about 20%
-Within 48 hours: about 70%
※ Early symptoms of appendicitis that should not be overlooked
The initial symptoms of appendicitis may be similar to the feeling of having an upset stomach or abdominal pain, so they can be overlooked. However, if the treatment time for appendicitis is delayed, the appendix will burst, so it is good to remember the initial symptoms.
-Loss of appetite and flatulence
– A feeling of bloating
-Pain in the epigastric region
(The area of pain moves to the right lower abdomen through the navel over time)
-throw up
▶Characteristics of appendicitis by age and situation (reference National Health Information Portal)
※Appendicitis in children
Appendicitis appears very early in children with drowsiness and poor eating. After that, vomiting, fever, and pain appear. Appendicitis in children has symptoms similar to acute gastroenteritis and intussusception, in which a part of the intestine is pushed into the intestine, so it is necessary to differentiate it.
※Appendicitis in young people
Appendicitis has a high percentage of young patients in their 10s to 30s. Especially many patients in their early 20s. Patients before the age of 10 and after the age of 50 account for about 10% of the total. Because of this, if young people have symptoms of early suspicion of appendicitis, it is desirable not to consider it as a simple abdominal pain but to seek medical attention.
※Elderly appendicitis
Because appendicitis in the elderly often does not present with typical symptoms, diagnosis is often delayed. There are many cases in which surgery is performed after appendicitis ruptured due to late diagnosis of appendicitis or progressed to peri-appendix abscess, resulting in a high probability of postoperative complications. Elderly people may suspect appendicitis if they experience sudden indigestion or abdominal pain that persists.
※Appendicitis during pregnancy
Appendicitis in pregnant women occurs with the same frequency as in non-pregnant women. As the fetus grows, the appendix is gradually pushed up from the right lower abdomen due to the growing uterus, and is located in the right upper abdomen at the end of pregnancy. Therefore, appendicitis pain in pregnant women varies depending on the number of months of pregnancy at the time of diagnosis. If appendicitis is suspected, surgery should be performed as early as possible for the health of the mother and fetus, regardless of the number of months of pregnancy.
▶ Appendicitis without prevention, quick surgery is the solution
Unlike other diseases, there is no specific treatment for appendicitis. Therefore, if you have any suspicious symptoms, you should seek medical attention as soon as possible. If tests confirm appendicitis, prompt surgery is the only treatment.
Recently, laparoscopic surgery, which is performed by making a small hole in the navel, has been introduced for appendicitis surgery, reducing pain, bleeding, and scarring.