도시가스 요금계산 City gas rate calculation

For those who live at home, there are maintenance fees as well as city gas fees. It’s nice that it doesn’t come out much because it’s something I use, but it’s burdensome and I feel like I’m saving it if it comes out a lot because I pay monthly.


도시가스 요금계산



Every month, bills come to your house, so you can check how much you have paid for each month, but let’s find out how to calculate your city gas bill so that you can save and reduce even a little more by checking your gas usage in advance and calculating how much you get. 도시가스 요금계산





To calculate your city gas bill, you must first check your current usage. I need to check what the gas meter reading is at home. I only need to memorize three numbers from the third to the fifth digits of the numbers printed on the meter. 좋은뉴스





From these three numbers, you can calculate this month’s gas consumption by subtracting the guideline for the current month and the correction factor on the gas bill sent last month. In case you lose or lose your bill, you can check it on the City Gas website.





The city gas rate calculation method is to multiply the unit price by the current month usage amount and add the base rate and value-added tax. That’s where the gas bill comes from.




If you want to calculate it yourself, you can check it by calculating it like this. If you have trouble calculating, you can check it by accessing the city gas website for each region.




To find out how to check city gas rates, if you click on rate inquiry and payment, there are several menus such as gas rate table, average calorie inquiry, rate inquiry, bill payment, direct debit, e-mail bill, tax invoice, self-meter reading, affiliate card. You can confirm by pressing .




In order to find out the amount or amount of gas used on the homepage, you need a usage contract number. The usage contract number is indicated in the upper left corner of the city gas giro receipt, so it is recommended that you memorize it or keep the bill.