도매매 위탁판매 Smart Store Consignment Sales Order, Delivery Processing Method (Wholesale) – All Living Information

도매매 위탁판매hello
In the last post
How to register bulk wholesale and consignment sales
I explained it to you.

I registered the product first.
What to do when sold
You’ll be embarrassed.

Today those products
How to order when sold
From order confirmation to order completion
We’ll let you know.

I’ll explain it to you one by one
Take a look at it step by step
Try it out

When an order comes in
Sometimes it comes by text message
Log in to the store and frequently
It would be best to check it out.
Place your order quickly
I have to check and ship it.

Then when the order came in
Let me explain what to do.

Access the Smart Store Center
Order inquiry in sales management
If you check it out

Order details in one place
You can check.
The order status says payment completed.
This product is a new order.

Click Confirm Order for the Product

Click on the product order number

You can check your order information like this:
Be sure to check the options

At the bottom is the customer’s name
Contact information, address, etc. are also listed.

Based on this information
You can order from a wholesale site.

Go to the wholesale website
Log in
Search by product number or product name.
Easily find the products you need to order
You can find it.

From the order information in the store center
After selecting the option you checked,
Click Buy

Enter order information like this
A window pops up.

Enter your store name in the shopping mall.
Just enter
In the remaining fields
Please enter the information of the customer who placed the order.
If you had any requests
Just copy and paste

Click the save button

Check once more that the information you entered is correct.
Please check!

What to convey to the seller
You tell the seller
Just write what you want to convey.
I wonder if the item is exactly right
I wrote this to ask for confirmation.

Lastly, check the amount
Just pay.
Payment is through bank transfer, bank transfer, or credit card.
If you do it like this
Your order is complete.

When checking your order details
My Page – If you look at the full list of orders,
I have order details like this

Immediately after ordering, on the far right
The courier company and invoice number are
It’s empty.

When delivery begins, the courier
An invoice number is created
Go to the smart store to get it
Please enter it as is.
Please process the shipment.

When the first order came in
I was embarrassed and had to process the shipment.
Although it may take a long time
Once you get used to it, the time will shorten.
It becomes worth doing.

automatically when the order is completed
Order is completed and processed
After the order is confirmed, charge
The settlement will be made.

If you have any questions, please leave them in the comments.
I will refer to it in the next post.

People who sell on consignment as a second job
I hope everything goes well for you.

Subscriptions and comments are a great help.
thank you

도매매 위탁판매
