대학생 생활비 대출 가능한 곳 5 recommended places to get loans for college students – living expenses and small amounts

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There are more loans available to college students than you might think. However, you must know which loan to use first before applying for a loan. Rather than blindly using a loan from a second-tier financial institution or a loan company, using a first-tier financial institution or a government-supported college student loan is a reasonable way to apply credit score and interest rates. 
We will recommend five affordable loan products that college students can use. It will be helpful if you use the products below before other products. 
Where can I get a loan for college students?

The Korea Scholarship Foundation Living Expenses Loan is a loan exclusively for college students that provides low-interest loans for living expenses such as textbooks, transportation, and food expenses. The advantage of this is that since it is operated by the Korea Scholarship Foundation, a low interest rate is applied, so the burden of interest paid is low, and repayment is also low because it can be repaid after employment. 
However, the application date is set, so if you do not apply by the application date, you cannot use it. You can apply every semester, so please check the application date and apply if it fits your schedule. Below is basic information on the Korea Scholarship Foundation’s living expenses loan. 
Sunshine Loan Youth is a loan product operated by the Korea Inclusive Finance Agency to help college students and job seekers advance into society in a more stable manner. As the name suggests, it provides loans to young people aged 19 or older and under 35, and has the advantage of having a higher limit than the Korea Scholarship Foundation’s living expenses loan. 
The application method may seem a bit complicated, but the application is completed in 2 to 4 days from application to loan completion, so please check with the Korea Inclusive Finance Agency for detailed information. 
Kakao Bank Emergency Loan is an emergency loan that anyone can apply for, regardless of age or occupation. Since the loan is made in the form of a negative bank account, it has the advantage of allowing you to freely withdraw and use only the funds you currently need. It is a very convenient loan product to use as you can freely deposit and repay the loan at any time. 
The process from application to loan completion is quick, and since Kakao Bank is the first financial institution, it has the advantage of applying relatively reasonable interest rates. 
Toss Bank’s emergency fund loan, like Kakao Bank’s emergency fund loan, is a loan in the form of a negative bank account. The two products are similar, so if you use Toss Bank rather than Kakao Bank, please try the Toss Bank Emergency Loan. Since you can apply at any time, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, it can be useful if you are in urgent need of cash. 
Kakao Bank and Toss Bank emergency fund loans are loan products that any adult can apply for, regardless of occupation or income. College students can also apply for this product, and it has the advantage of having a relatively low loan screening standard. However, please note that there are situations in which a loan may be rejected, as listed below. 
◈Reasons for rejection of Kakao Bank and Toss Bank emergency fund loans 
This is a small loan of 500,000 won jointly provided by Payco and Hanwha Life Insurance. This product can be used by college students who need petty cash of 500,000 won without the need for a high limit. After executing the loan, 500,000 won worth of points will be charged to Payco, and you can easily withdraw and use the points. 
I think the biggest thing to watch out for when taking out loans for living expenses for college students is impulse loans. As you start taking out loans in your early 20s, you may end up in a situation where the loan calls for a loan. We recommend that you consider whether you really need the funds and whether you can manage them thoroughly before applying for a loan.
So far, we have looked into small living expenses loans that college students can receive. If you are a college student who urgently needs a small amount of cash, you will be able to obtain a reasonable loan if you refer to the information above. Please note that it is important to get a product with a lower interest rate from a first-tier financial institution than to blindly receive a high-interest product from anywhere. 
▣Related information
▷[Loans] – List of 5 banks and government-supported banks that provide loans to unemployed housewives
▷[Loan] – Details on how to apply for Sunshine Loan Youth
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