다음카페 탈퇴 방법 How to leave Daum Cafe quickly at once

Hello How to blog. What we will learn this time is how to leave the next cafe. After joining the next cafe, if you no longer join that cafe, you will want to leave. This is because it is inconvenient to see if there are many cafe lists.
Then how do you leave the next cafe? Once you sign up, 1 day must pass. Please read the following article slowly and follow along. 다음카페 탈퇴 방법
Leave the next cafe
First, go to the next cafe. Then you will see the cafe main screen as shown in the picture. Roll the mouse wheel to raise the screen. Go to the bottom of the cafe.
It came to the bottom of the cafe screen. If you look at the menu on the left, there is a menu called Leave Cafe under the Add Cafe button.
Click Leave Cafe.

다음카페 탈퇴 방법
Then a window like the picture will appear. Even if you leave the cafe, your posts are not automatically deleted. If you really want to leave, click the OK button at the bottom right of the window.
I wanted to be withdrawn now, and this screen popped up. It is said that the withdrawal from the cafe was not processed normally. If you want to leave the cafe, you are asked to click the “Leave the cafe” button below once again. JFactory
Click Leave Cafe at the bottom.
Then, as in the picture, it was normally withdrawn. is displayed. Then this was the next way to leave the cafe. thank you
I used to use the Daum Cafe a lot before, but these days I only use the Naver Cafe, so I decided to leave the Daum Cafe that I don’t use. The next time I log in, I can’t remember my ID or password, so I came here to leave the cafe.
Like me, there are people who want to leave Daum Cafe, which they do not use. You can cancel using a computer or mobile app, so just follow me! Let me tell you easily.
Let’s learn how to leave Daum Cafe with a computer, shall we? If you want to unsubscribe using the mobile app, you need a dedicated app, but it’s easy to do with a computer or laptop.
Now, go to the following site, enter your ID and password, and log in. If you do not know your ID or password, like me, you must find it in advance.
If you enter your ID and password and log in, your account will appear. If you look right below there, you will see the Cafe tab. Those are the cafes I joined in the past, but I have not been active there, so I select the cafe I want to leave and click on it to enter.
If you access the cafe site after making that selection, when you see the first home page of the cafe, there are bulletin board menus on the left or right side, right? If you go all the way down to the bottom, there is a menu called [Leave Cafe] under the last bulletin board. The withdrawal menus are always hidden in the corner like this. If you click the [Leave Cafe] menu found in that way, a message window will appear saying “Even if you leave the cafe, your posts will not be automatically deleted. Are you sure you want to leave anyway?”
If you want to delete the post you made before you left, click the Cancel button and delete the post you made before and come back. If there is a post I wrote in the past, it may become a black history. Now, if it doesn’t matter, click the OK button.
Then, they say that leaving the cafe did not work properly, and they ask you to press leave the cafe once more. It is cumbersome, but if you click the [Leave the cafe] part once more, it will show that the withdrawal from the cafe is complete. After that, your withdrawal from Daum Cafe is complete.
Shall we find out how to leave Daum Cafe in Daum mobile app? First, if you want to withdraw from your smartphone, you need a dedicated mobile app, but if you do not want to install it or are bothered by it, you can log in to the following site from the existing Internet app, select the PC version, and do as I said above. However, it is a bit cumbersome, so if you have a dedicated app, you can leave it more easily.
If you want to withdraw as a dedicated app, you need to install the (Daum Cafe) app. After installing, run the app, access it, and log in to see a slightly unique wallpaper of Daum Cafe mobile app. Click on the second person icon in the lower left corner. Like the PC version, you can connect to a cafe that is no longer in use by touching it.
When you enter the cafe home, there are 4 icon menus at the top of the first screen. Touch the i-shaped icon menu in the third circle from the left to access it.
Then there is the [Leave Cafe] menu in clear text. It’s really small so you have to look closely. When pressed, a pop-up window will appear asking “Are you sure you want to leave the cafe?”, and if you touch OK, you will be withdrawn immediately. You have to install the app, but when you leave many cafes, installing the app is more convenient. Up to this point, we have learned how to leave Daum Cafe using the mobile app or computer. I hope that you are following along and that the information in today’s post is helpful.