나침반 보는법 (feat. 동서남북 방향 찾기) How to Read the Compass (feat. Finding North, South, East and West Directions)

How to read a compass,
나침반 보는법


Let’s learn how to read a compass. Usually younger students are taught how to read a compass in class. It’s not difficult to read the compass, so if you know a little bit, you’ll be able to understand it easily.

There are many things you can do with your smartphone. For example, it is used for surfing the web or watching videos, but it also helps to use essential tools. Last time, I explained how to use basic tools such as a tape measure and level.

나침반 보는법

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In addition, there are various functions. Do you think direction is important when signing a house contract or arranging furniture? There may be people who are not very interested in feng shui when it comes to furniture arrangement, but I think lighting is one of the important parts that determine a house. In general, since the sunlight comes in well, the atmosphere of the house and various things are helped a lot by lighting. Today, I’m going to show you how to view the compass on your iPhone, and it would be nice to use it to select your direction.

Running the iPhone Compass

How to read iPhone compass and display location

First, find ‘Compass’ in the app and run it. If you can’t find it yourself, use the search function at the bottom of the home screen to find it easily.

The iPhone compass is a default app, but if you don’t use it often, you may have deleted it. If so, you can download it again from the App Store.

How to read iPhone compass

To read the compass, it is important to first place the phone horizontally on the floor. If there is no solid line mark in the center of the cross, it is level and you are looking at the direction in this state.

If the solid line is displayed like this, it is not level, so you must look at the compass in a leveled state.

If you touch the compass once and rotate it to the desired angle, the angle between the touched point and the current direction is calculated.

iphone compass

Want to show exact location?

Go to [Settings].

Click [Privacy and security].

Then click on Location Services

You can do this by enabling [Precise location] in the [Compass] section.

Allow Access to Location Services: No

Left: Location service [Precise location] off / Right: Location service [Precise location] on

When the location service is set to [Disabled], the current location is not displayed at the bottom, but when the location is turned on and [Precise Location] is turned on, the area is also displayed at the bottom.

The iPhone compass function can be used in various places, so if you are an iPhone user, it will be helpful to refer to this information.