2024 근로소득 원천징수영수증 발급 방법(feat. 홈택스, 손택스) How to issue a 2024 earned income withholding receipt (feat. Hometax, Sontax)

When doing year-end tax settlement, you will often need an earned income withholding receipt from your previous employer.

근로소득 원천징수영수증

근로소득 원천징수영수증

There may be some places where your workplace issues one when you leave the company, but in other cases, it is issued to your previous employer.

You must contact them directly to receive earned income data.

Today, we will learn how to obtain an earned income withholding receipt (payment statement) from Hometax.

Earned Income_Withholding Tax Receipt_Issuance Method

What is a withholding tax receipt?

The company paid the income tax on behalf of the income earner to the National Tax Service and reported it to the National Tax Service.

This is a confirming document.

Unless you need a government stamp for submission to a government office, bank, etc., you can easily submit it at Hometax.

It is possible to issue an earned income original tax receipt.


How to issue a home tax earned income original tax receipt

Access the Hometax website.

Home Tax_Homepage

Click to go directly to Hometex



After logging in to the Home Tax site, click My Home Tax in the upper right corner to go to My Page.


Year-end tax settlement/payment statement – Click to enter submission details such as payment statement.

*The correct representation of a withholding tax receipt is a payment statement.

Year-end tax settlement_payment statement_submission details


Because it is personal information, I have left blank spaces.

When a window appears where you can check the payment statement submission details, click the “View” button to view the payment statement.

Payment statement_submission details


On the payment statement preview page, click the print icon indicated by the arrow.

Payment statement_preview_print button


If you click the print icon and select PDF as the printing method, the page below will appear.

If a printer is connected, printing is possible, and saving as PDF is possible regardless of whether the printer is connected.

Print_PDF save_Both possible


Today, we will learn about how to easily obtain an earned income withholding tax receipt through Hometax.

I found out. I hope this helps you a lot.

Next time, we will come back with more informative information.