권고사직 위로금 Can I receive compensation for my recommended resignation?

권고사직 위로금Legally, there is no such thing as recommended resignation compensation. In other words, if you sign a resignation letter without further agreement, you will resign on the appointed date. Upon handwritten signature, the end. From the company’s point of view, there are cases where 1 to 3 months’ worth of salary is given to show that you have worked hard, to give you time to find another job, etc. However, this is either the company’s request to leave without a dispute, or it is paid as a result of the workers’ struggle to just leave. Again, there is no statutory compensation for recommended resignation. You have to look carefully at the company’s practices. As briefly mentioned earlier, there are employees who believe that the company should pay at least one month’s salary. However, this may be because it is confused with dismissal notice allowance. The dismissal notice allowance is one month’s salary incurred upon dismissal, and is different in nature from the recommended resignation compensation.
The reasons and procedures for dismissal are determined by law. For reference, recommended resignation is used when there are no grounds for dismissal. To put it simply, “You get out!” means dismissal, and “Can you please stop leaving now?” means recommended resignation.
If a situation arises where a company must fire an employee, it must notify the company of the layoff at least 30 days in advance. Just like in other countries, if you shout “You’re so happy!”, people immediately pack their bags and leave. This is a scene that cannot happen in Korea. However, you can tell them to leave right away because they will give you 30 days’ worth of pay rather than waiting a month. This is the layoff notice allowance established by law. (Article 26 of the Labor Standards Act, obligation to pay more than 30 days’ ordinary wages)

You can receive it. This is because he quit his job due to company circumstances, not voluntarily. However, the reason for resignation must include recommended resignation, that is, ‘resignation upon recommendation from the company.’ This is a phrase you must check before signing your resignation letter. If you write ‘personal reasons’, it means you left the company voluntarily. Dismissal from the National Assembly is not a reason for receiving unemployment benefits. You will not receive unemployment benefits.
What if you are dismissed from your position as a member of the National Assembly and the company treats you as a recommended resignation in order to receive unemployment benefits, saying ‘a good thing is a good thing’? This is illegal receipt of unemployment benefits. If you get caught, you have to pay up to 3 to 5 times as much as the basic unemployment benefit you received, and for additional trespasses. Furthermore, you may have to pay a fine. Neither the company nor its employees are doing well. Someone reports it. 
First, there are limits to government support benefits. You will not receive support for employment maintenance or employment stability incentives for a certain period of time. Additionally, they are excluded from the intern employment support system. Lowering the unemployment rate is the government’s interest, but this is a signal from the government not to fire employees at all costs.
Second, foreign employees cannot be hired for three years. If you are cutting off domestic employees to use foreign workers at relatively low wages, then don’t do that.
Lastly, if a workplace has frequent recommended resignations, it is subject to surveillance by the Ministry of Employment and Labor. Even if restructuring is really done once or twice due to the company’s circumstances, if this is repeated, it will be suspected that the hassle of dismissal is resolved through recommended resignation. Such companies are especially watched by the government.
Whatever the reality, if an employee does not comply with the recommended resignation, the company cannot fire him or her. Recommended resignation means resigning by agreement, but an agreement on resignation has not been reached. “paddle!” If you do that, it’s over. But is it easy? The company is the best…
Until the day without layoffs

Recommended resignation occurs when a company proposes to an employee to resign and the worker agrees to the proposal and quits work on a mutually determined date. However, salary negotiation is actually about salary. paper. As such, recommended resignation is effectively resignation. paper. close to The last thing a worker can do here is not to sign the resignation letter. What if I sign? It is very disadvantageous if a dispute arises later. In the past, employees were harassed until they had no choice but to leave, such as clearing out their desks overnight or reassigning them to ridiculous jobs. However, the so-called anti-bullying law prohibits actions that go beyond the scope of work and worsen the working environment. (Article 76-2 of the Labor Standards Act) It will take more time to improve people’s awareness, but it is fortunate that there is at least a system in place. It can be said that Even if it’s not 100% successful, the only way to get the company to put something in my hands is to hold out without signing.
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