전역자 군번조회 방법(PC,모바일) How to check military service number for discharged person (PC, mobile)

Let’s learn about your military service number, which you may forget during your busy social life, and how to look it up.



If you have served in the military, regardless of whether it is the Army, Navy, or Air Force, you have probably been assigned a military service number. And I don’t forget this military number for quite a long time.

But somehow, one day, your memory may suddenly become blurry. And somewhere, a situation arises where I have to enter or submit my military number.

In this case, you can easily check your military service number and discharge date by visiting the Military Manpower Administration website. From now on, we will find out information related to this.




Review of how to check Military Manpower Administration discharge date and service number
How to check your military number and discharge date can be divided into three simple steps as follows. It’s easy to do if you just follow along.

Access the Military Manpower Administration website
Click on the “My website service information” tab
Click the “Mobilization/Reserve Force” tab and then click “Check military discharge date/service number.”
Now that you know your information, why not record it in a notebook or computer? Although what I will explain below is an easy method, it is also a task to go there every time.


1. Access the Military Manpower Administration website
First, you must access the Military Manpower Administration website. Please refer to the link below or search directly. The reference screen is as shown in the following photo.

Access the Military Manpower Administration website
Military Manpower Administration-Homepage-Access-Screen-Service Number-Check
Have you accessed the website? You can see that you can check various information related to military service. And let’s click on “My Own Website (Complaint)” where it is marked in the photo above.


2. On the “My website service information” page, click on “Mobilization/Reserve Forces”
Did you click that tab? If so, you can see a slightly different screen configuration from the existing homepage as shown in the photo below.

And here, find the “Mobilization/Reserve Forces” tab and click on it. Just look for the “click” and “red box” parts in the picture, right?

My own-website-service-information-page

3. In the reserve force formation section, click “Military discharge date/military number inquiry”
We’re almost there now. On the “Mobilization/Reserve Forces” page, find and click the “Military Discharge Date/Military Number Inquiry” tab to find your information.

Reserve Force-Organization-Tab-Unit Number-Search-Function
To do this, you must go through a simple authentication process. If you do so, you can check your discharge status and military number.

In addition, you can receive support for various administrative services, such as issuing a military certificate or discharge certificate.

So far, I have learned how to check my military number and discharge date. After a certain age, you won’t need to memorize it anymore.

However, there may be cases where you may be required to enter personal information or submit military service information long after you are discharged from the military, so we recommend that you be aware of this and respond accordingly.