국민카드 재발급 How to apply for reissuance of KB Kookmin Card and how to report loss

국민카드 재발급Everyone must have experienced at least once in their life that they lost their entire wallet where they put their cards in, or left their cards behind after checking out. I too had a similar experience. It happened at a self-service gas station just a few months ago. I had an experience of refueling with a card at a self-service gas station and leaving with only the receipt and not the card. I found out that I had left the card, and the next day I went to my wallet to use it, but the card was not there. So I hurriedly called the gas station, and they said that the lost card was not returned.

I should have reported the card as lost because I thought someone had taken it. Since the customer center couldn’t connect to the phone well, I was able to report the loss through the KB Kookmin Card app. Using the app, you can report loss and reissue at the same time.

So, I would like to tell you how to apply for a replacement and report the loss of your KB Kookmin Card when you lose it. First, download the KB Kookmin Card app from the App Store or Play Store on your smartphone. After downloading the app, if you sign up for membership or log in, information about the card issued in your name will appear. After selecting the lost card, you can report the loss.

If you click Go to Report Loss, you will be taken to a page with lost card information. If there is a card that has been reported stolen, a list will appear, but if not, click Request Lost to select the lost card and report the loss.

When you click Apply for Loss, the following screen will appear. From here, select the appropriate card and click apply.

Click Apply, then verify your identity and click Complete Application to complete the report of loss.

If you complete the loss report and reissuance application in the same way as now, the card will come out again and you will not be able to use the lost card, so please remember this and apply well. In addition, it is said that the card that has been requested for reissuance will be contacted separately and delivered within one week on business days.

국민카드 재발급
