국민내일배움카드 신청 및 자격, 사용처 정리 Summary of National Tomorrow Learning Card application, qualifications, and usage

Today’s post topic is about the eligibility and issuance method for the Tomorrow Learning Card. The Tomorrow Learning Card is a card issued to both unemployed and employed people. Job seekers can receive training expenses to prepare for employment, and employed people can receive education expenses to improve their job skills. However, not everyone can receive this card and certain conditions must be met, which we will find out now.

국민내일배움카드 신청

국민내일배움카드 신청

tomorrow learning card
tomorrow learning card


How to get a Tomorrow Learning Card
First, before visiting the employment center, you can register as a member and register a public certificate on the HRD-NET site and then complete watching the video. Afterwards, you will visit the employment center in your area of residence and have a 1:1 in-depth consultation with a counselor. At this time, you will submit a training course search form to decide which course to take, and after review, final approval will be determined. In this case, you will receive an account issuance by visiting the bank or applying online and receive a Tomorrow Learning Card in the form of a check card from the relevant bank.


Get the Tomorrow Learning Card issued quickly


tomorrow learning card
tomorrow learning card


What is the government subsidy for the Tomorrow Learning Card?
To put it simply, you can think of it as a system in which the government pays academy fees on your behalf. Of course, it is not free and there is a deductible, but many people use it because it provides support of up to 100% to 50%. Also, please note that if your attendance rate is 80% or higher, you will be paid up to 116,000 won per month as a training incentive. In addition to the training incentives, co-payments that occur vary depending on the individual, so be sure to check through the link below to avoid any disadvantages!


Find out about the tomorrow learning card deductible


tomorrow learning card
tomorrow learning card
tomorrow learning card
tomorrow learning card

How to use the Tomorrow Learning Card
There are cooking academies, computer academies, and beauty academies, and it can also be used for various certification acquisition classes such as barista, confectionery technician, and pastry technician. You can also learn courses that help you develop expertise in various fields, such as the Korean language teacher training course and social worker training course. When registering for the academy, you can select one of the payment methods or pay directly. In some cases, it may be completely free without any out-of-pocket costs, so check carefully. Also, please note that if you are participating in other programs such as Chwiseongpae, repeated participation is not possible.



tomorrow learning card
tomorrow learning card

Disadvantages of giving up the Tomorrow Learning Card early
There is no penalty even if you give up mid-course, and you can reapply for training in the next session. So, don’t worry, anyone can apply without any hesitation!



tomorrow learning card
tomorrow learning card
tomorrow learning card
tomorrow learning card

Today, we learned how to receive the Tomorrow Learning Card and how to use it. Was it useful? I hope you find a class that suits you, study hard, and get good results! I will end this article. thank you!