구주소 신주소 변환 방법 Convert old address to new address

Today, I would like to learn how to convert an old address to a new address. Some websites may still require you to use the new address, while others may still require you to use the old address, so it is easy to get confused. I think it would be good if you put it! 구주소 신주소 변환 방법


A simple way to convert the old address and the new address is to use a street name address conversion site. It is easy to use and you can check even the smallest details, so please use it! Please access the street name address conversion site first. !First, access the street name address conversion site, enter the address to be converted in the address field, and then click the search button to move! After the search, many addresses will appear. For example, I searched for [Gangnam-gu Samseong-dong], but you can search for more detailed information. Then, the addresses searched in the sub-contents will appear. Postal code, map, English address name You can check the exact location by clicking the map icon next to the zip code search to check the detailed map.

구주소 신주소 변환 방법

You can check the guide map and even the section of the road! And you can check the address in English by pressing the arrow below. Try also viewing the street name address map of the online service! You can find and print out a more accurate location when you move. Also, you can check the surrounding details! Don’t forget to print out the building details, addresses of interest, and guidance, and use them all!  Go to the street name address information system: www.juso.go.kr Use Convert to get things done quickly, find your way quickly! 구주소 신주소 변환 방법