과속단속 조회방법 1-minute way to look up fines for speeding violations! : Criteria, penalty points, fines

Hello everyone, today I’m going to find out how to check the speeding fine while driving a vehicle.

If you are humming a song or driving while drowsy, there are many cases where you pass by without even noticing the surveillance camera. In that case, was I filmed? didn’t you get it? Many of you are curious.

과속단속 조회방법

Inquiry of fines for speeding violations 과속단속 조회방법
Today, let’s look at these standards for speed violations and how to check whether I was caught or not faster than by mail.


Speed Violation Criteria 1분전
speeding fine
How to look up fines for speeding violations
Speed Violation Criteria
If you are speeding, you can see the camera flashing for a while. If the top flashes slightly while driving at night, it is almost 100% captured.

If so, what is the alternative criterion?

Criteria for fines for speeding violations
The range of exceeding the speed limit varies from region to region and machine to machine, and of course there are errors.

Also, the speed shown on the navigation is more accurate than the speed on the instrument panel. According to the Automobile Safety Standards Act, the speedometer on the instrument panel is set higher than the actual speed, and there may be an error range of up to +10% of the actual speed.

fine for speeding
Therefore, even if you are actually running at 100 km/h, the dashboard may show 116 km/h.

Signal Violation Penalties Total summary of inquiry methods in 1 minute

speeding fine
Speeding fines vary depending on the speed limit. In general, a fine of 30,000 won or a negligence fine is imposed for exceeding 20 km or less.

Category 20km or less 20~40km 40~60km 80km or less
Penalty points 30,000 won 60,000 won (15 points) 90,000 won (30 points) 120,000 won (60 points)
Fine for negligence 40,000 won 70,000 won 100,000 won 130,000 won
If you drive more than 20km, you will be followed by a penalty point.

If you are driving at excessive speed due to an emergency or an emergency, you can receive a discount if you call the National Police Agency Traffic Civil Service 24 eFine and explain the situation.

How to look up fines for speeding violations
Inquiry of fines for speeding violations can be done by logging in with an official certificate and verifying the vehicle number at the National Police Agency Traffic Civil Service 24 (efine). Inquiry of fines for negligence on another person’s vehicle is possible with the official certificate of the borrower.

If you want to search by mobile rather than PC, you can download the fine inquiry application. (However, you must have a public certificate)

You can easily do this by following the steps below on a PC basis.

1. Connect to Police Traffic Civil Service 24 (efine).

Vehicle number penalty inquiry
2. Click ‘Recent Unmanned Enforcement History’ on the main screen.

Speed violation penalty inquiry 2
3. Proceed with co-certificate login.

Inquiry of fines for speed violation 3
4. If you enter the vehicle number through vehicle number fine inquiry, the relevant information will be searched.

Inquiry of fines for speed violation 4
Usually, if you check after 3 days, you will see that it comes out. Therefore, it may not appear on the same day or the next day because it is not reflected in the computer.

Today, we looked at the method and criteria for checking fines for speeding violations. It varies from region to region, but I hope everyone knows that there is a risk of being photographed if you exceed 10km or more from the normal standard.