골프 레슨 [Golf common sense & etiquette for golfers-⓺] Golf lessons and practice – Sisacast

골프 레슨 Harmony of golf lessons and practice
Do you really need to take golf lessons? A huge amount of golf lesson-related videos are uploaded to YouTube and the Internet every day, and the variety of golf entertainment programs makes it difficult to feel the need to take golf lessons at the driving range. If golf is a sport where you simply learn the swing movement and hit the ball, there is no need to learn it. You can learn it easily with detailed videos and friendly explanations on YouTube.
However, considering that the characteristics of golf are that it is a more complex and strategic sport that requires both coach and player, as well as offense and defense, golf must be learned properly from the beginning to avoid developing bad habits that become obstacles to improving one’s skills. You must receive constant guidance.
If you are learning golf for the first time, lessons once a week are not enough. No matter how well I take the lesson, most of the time my body doesn’t remember it after 2-3 days. It is much more effective to listen and practice again when you forget. It is recommended to take lessons at least 2 or 3 times a week, and after taking lessons, you must practice on your own.
If you only take lessons without practice, knowledge will accumulate in your head, but your body will not move as you think. Also, it is more effective to take lessons regularly for at least 3 months rather than just a few times. If you use the number of lessons, the number of lessons each week changes and the deadline increases, reducing the effectiveness of the lessons by half.
Even after the lesson is over, you should not reduce the number of practices until you have fully absorbed what you heard and understood. For each individual, there are people for whom lessons are the best medicine, and there are people for whom practice is the best medicine. You need to make a practice plan according to your own characteristics, but don’t worry about it alone. Feel free to ask the teacher who taught you. Also, rather than trying to solve various swing-related concerns on your own, it is a good idea to ask for help from time to time.
There are many lesson videos posted online, but there are too many explanations. As I think about this and that, I can’t figure out what to do. And the lessons given by the couple at this time are aimed at golfers who know how to play golf to some degree.
Moreover, since it focuses on correcting or improving partial swings, it is no exaggeration to say that there is almost no content applicable to beginner golfers. Even if you hear it and understand what it means, it is better not to expect that it will be applied directly to your body. We should not overlook the process that went into making it so successful.
Maximum effect with minimal practice time
When practicing golf, the method of practice is more important than the amount of practice. There is a saying that all situations can be overcome through practice, but modern people’s lives are so busy that it is almost impossible to practice golf every day. Ultimately, practice time is limited, so it is important to practice effectively the first time you do it.
First, you should not hit the ball too much.
You expect that the more you hit the ball, the better your swing will be, but it is actually easy for your swing to break down. Problems arise when excessive force is applied or excessive movements are made to hit the ball, and wrong habits are formed.
Rather than hitting a lot of balls, you should practice empty swings to keep the trajectory and rhythm consistent, and change your practice method by thinking that when you hit the ball, you just swing and pass by, and the ball just happens to be on that trajectory. No matter how much you practice your swing, you will never end up doing something wrong. Rather, swing practice is something that gets better the more you do it. Therefore, before hitting the ball, be sure to make an empty swing several times and practice hitting the ball with that feeling.
Second, if you want to quickly improve your golf skills, a balance of practice is very important.
This means not only practicing full swings, but also practicing short game swings that accurately control short distances. It’s a good idea to first complete a full swing that sends the ball far away and then get rid of the idea that you should practice a short game swing. Practicing and learning both full swing and short game swing from the beginning is the shortcut to quickly improving your skills. Of course, putting practice should not be neglected either.
Amateur golfers not only rarely practice putting, but also tend to do it roughly on the actual field. Because I do it roughly, I often make unexpected mistakes and forget my scores. In golf, the smaller the movements, the more concentration is required. You can’t say you’re good at golf unless you’re good at putting.
The third thing is to get rid of the idea that you have to come to a golf driving range to practice golf.
It is important to consistently practice stretching and body movements that help with swinging to prevent injuries and swing smoothly during daily life. Above all, keeping your body in good condition is very helpful in achieving maximum results with little practice.

[Photo = Pixabay]

골프 레슨
