경동도시가스 고객센터 및 전화번호 Gyeongdong City Gas Customer Center and Phone Number

Each region has a city gas company that has jurisdiction over that area. Ulsan Metropolitan City is in charge of city gas-related work at a company called Gyeongdong City Gas. If you have any questions regarding the use of city gas, please call the call center for consultation. We will provide you with the Ulsan Gyeongdong City Gas Customer Center phone number, frequently asked questions (FAQ), and regional service center location information.

경동도시가스 고객센터

경동도시가스 고객센터

Ulsan Gyeongdong City Gas Customer Center Phone Number

If you have any questions, inconveniences, or work to be done regarding the use of Ulsan Gyeongdong City Gas, application for moving in and out, payment and inquiry, please call the call center contact number below to receive detailed consultation and resolve the problem.


[Ulsan Gyeongdong City Gas Customer Center Phone Number]

1. Customer center phone number

– Main phone number: 1577-8181


2. Customer center operating hours

– Weekdays 08:00 ~ 19:00

– Saturdays and public holidays: 08:00 ~ 18:00

– Closed on Sundays

(However, emergency incident reports such as gas leaks are available 24/7)


3. Other consultation methods

In addition to phone consultations, Ulsan Gyeongdong City Gas Customer Center also provides online inquiry services through the ‘Voice of Customers’ menu. If you access the site link below and write a customer feedback, you can receive a response from a customer service staff member during customer center operating hours.

Ulsan Gyeongdong City Gas Customer Center Online Inquiry

Ulsan Gyeongdong City Gas Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

You can call the contact number mentioned above and get advice on any questions you may have. However, if it is late in the evening when the customer center is not open, or on weekends or public holidays, another method is needed. The customer center on the Ulsan Kyungdong City Gas website has a separate Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) menu. This is a page that collects and organizes frequently asked questions from customers. Since the content people are curious about often overlaps or is similar, checking the FAQ can be of great help.

Go to Ulsan Gyeongdong City Gas Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Ulsan-Gyeongdong City Gas-Frequently Asked Questions-Menu Screen
Ulsan Gyeongdong City Gas Service Center Locations by Region

Ulsan Kyungdong City Gas has service centers in each region within Ulsan. Since each service center has a designated management area, it is necessary to search for the service center that has jurisdiction over the address where you live. You can check the name and address of the jurisdictional center by accessing the site link below, selecting the city, district, and dong, and then searching.