경남에너지 고객센터 전화번호(feat.도시가스 요금조회 방법) Gyeongnam Energy customer center phone number (feat. How to inquire city gas rates)

Check the phone number of Gyeongnam Energy Customer Center

Today, we will look at the Gyeongnam Energy Customer Center phone number and some information.

경남에너지 고객센터

When using city gas, there are times when you need to contact us when you need to make an inquiry.

Gyeongnam Energy’s phone number would be such a case.

You can apply for gas connection and usage reduction service through Gyeongnam Energy through the Internet or telephone counselor service.경남에너지 고객센터

Application via Internet
Go to the Gyeongnam Energy website.
Go to the business trip service application page.
Click the Gas Connection Application Shortcut button.

Click the I accept all terms and conditions checkbox and then click the Agree button.

Enter the connection type, address, user name, mobile phone number, authentication number, request, reservation date and time information. The consent checkbox is optional. Uncheck the check box if you do not want to receive information on wired communication products.

Application via telephone consultation
Make a phone call to the Gyeongnam Energy Customer Center (055-260-4000) (connection to the counselor is available from 9:00 to 18:00 on weekdays).
Press service number 2 (gas connection and demolition application).
After waiting for a connection with the agent, complete the consultation, such as connection type, address, name, reservation date and time, and other requests, and then close the reservation.
How to change gas connection
Find and click the Confirm/Change/Cancel Reservation link in the top menu bar.

In the Reservation Confirmation/Change/Cancellation tab, select the authentication method (customer number: member/phone number: non-member) to verify your identity.