개발행위 허가 심의대상 Development activities subject to deliberation by the Urban Planning Committee

개발행위 허가 심의대상# Relevant basis: Article 59 of the National Land Planning and Utilization Act (hereinafter referred to as the National Land Planning Act) and Article 57 of the Enforcement Decree of the same Act.

If we want to install a 13,000㎡ baseball stadium in a natural green area.
What procedures should be implemented at this time?

You will need to obtain permission from the competent administrative agency.

In addition, since it is a land change of more than 10,000㎡ in a natural green area, it must be reviewed by the Urban Planning Committee.

Today, we will summarize the subjects of urban planning committee deliberation regarding development activities.

Any person who wishes to perform any of the following acts must obtain permission from the special mayor, metropolitan mayor, special self-governing mayor, special self-governing provincial governor, mayor, or county head.

However, activities resulting from urban/county planning projects are excluded. (Article 56 (1) of the National Land Planning Act)

Among the acts specified in Article 56 (1) 1 through 3 of the National Land Planning Act
In case of development activities of a certain scale, it must be reviewed by the Urban Planning Committee.

In other words, among the activities corresponding to the construction of buildings or the installation of structures, changes in the nature of land, and extraction of earth and rocks, the following activities are permitted or modified, or authorization, permission, approval or consultation is granted pursuant to other laws. In this case, it must go through deliberation by the City Planning Committee.

1. Exceeding the scale of the development activity permit: When the land is changed for the purpose of constructing a building or installing a structure, and the area is greater than or equal to the scale specified in each of the following items.

1 of 2. Below the size of the development activity permit: When the land is changed for the purpose of constructing a building or installing a structure in a green area, management area, agricultural or forestry area, or natural environment conservation area, and the area is less than the scale that falls under any of the following items.

2. Excavation of soil and rock with a volume of 30,000 ㎥ or more

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개발행위 허가 심의대상
