간헐적 단식 16:8 방법 Intermittent fasting 16:8 2 months, 1 year later and how

간헐적 단식 16:8 방법The most popular intermittent fasting method is probably 16:8. I think it’s because I think 16 hours of empty stomach is tolerable time. If you eat your last meal at 6 pm, you can keep an empty stomach for 12 hours even if you only sleep late at night. I also started with a 16 hour fast. I had a huge appetite for food, so I wanted to eat a lot, and I loved cooking. So, I started making delicious diet dishes by referring to various YouTubers. I only get 2 meals a day, so I tried to eat as healthy as possible. I tried the low tango here. Carbohydrates can’t be completely cut out, but I’ve tried to cut down to a minimum and eat good fats. And I started exercising again. I had a baby, so I couldn’t go out, so I did a home visit. I searched for a YouTube video that suited me well and exercised for about 50 minutes a day to the point of sweating. It seems like I worked hard until the next blood test day for two months like this.

In terms of food, it was difficult to stop eating three late-night snacks, sweets, and coffee. Due to my husband’s late work, it became a habit to eat late-night snacks, and naturally, my bedtime was delayed. Coffee is my healing food, and I felt so much happiness with one or two cups a day. I know that coffee is bad, so I tried to reduce it, but I justified myself by making dozens of reasons why I should drink it. When I started intermittent fasting, I tried to avoid eating late-night snacks. At first, it worked one or two days, and the next day it collapsed, but I persevered. When it was too difficult, I brushed my teeth or went to bed right away. I changed my coffee to black coffee, but my LDL cholesterol level was high, so I ate it with al-coffee. I like sweet lattes, so it was really hard until black coffee became a habit. The sweets were the least difficult of the three and were easily controlled, but I was careful not to start them because once they exploded, I couldn’t stop them. First, I looked back on my life and eating habits, and instead of adding good things, I took out bad things, and I felt a little more at ease.
I had a given time of 2 months and I had reasons to work hard. I think that’s why I was able to correct my mind and continue when I was tired and tired. After two months of appointment with the doctor, I visited the hospital again and had a blood test. The test showed that the LDL cholesterol level was 170. I was really surprised. I was happy to think that my efforts were not in vain. It is still a high number compared to the standard, but compared to 2 months ago, it was reduced by 50, so I thought it was a meaningful result. The important thing here was that I had the confidence to be in control of myself. Among those with high LDL cholesterol, there are many people who exercise hard to increase muscle mass and reduce fat, but their cholesterol level does not change. I would have taken the medicine thinking that it was not an area that I could control if the level had not dropped this time. Before the test, there was little certainty that the numbers would drop, and the mindset of ‘let’s not be disappointed with the results’ was strong. Even the doctor was surprised. You wouldn’t know if I would really lower the numbers with exercise and diet. I complimented myself on taking my medications, despite several recommendations, that I would take care of them. After that, the intermittent fasting continued, but there were days when I didn’t drink latte and didn’t exercise because I was lazy in the middle.

Intermittent fasting continues to this day, well over a year later. I think I’ll probably do it for the rest of my life. Of course, it seems difficult to keep it every time, but I try to keep it as much as possible. Recently, I went to the hospital for another blood test. The result came out as LDL cholesterol 127. I was very happy that the normal range was 130. Looking at these objective figures, there was no reason not to do intermittent fasting. It’s not too difficult. If you are worried about high cholesterol, please think about intermittent fasting.

간헐적 단식 16:8 방법
