가족 돌봄휴가 지원금 신청 Family care leave subsidy conditions and application method (💸Maximum 500,000 won per person!!) :: WORKER TIP

가족 돌봄휴가 지원금 신청Good to know benefits and information
2022. 8. 8.
by. tip space

If you are an office worker, it is very difficult to take a long vacation due to personal family matters.
Family care leave subsidy

Recently, there has been a noticeable increase in the number of people requesting leave for personal and family reasons. In order to solve these difficulties of office workers, the government has prepared support measures. Family care leave support is up to KRW 500,000 per person, and can be used for up to 10 days per year.
In this post, we will learn about the conditions and how to apply for the family care leave subsidy.
Guide to family care leave system

In the case of workers, it is an (unpaid) leave system that can be used when there is a reason to urgently take a leave of absence and take care of a family member due to a family member’s illness, accident, the elderly, childcare, etc. You can use up to 10 days of vacation per year, and you can use it in increments of one day.
What is family care leave?
Family care leave period and application method
Emergency support for family care expenses

📌 For families with children under the age of 8, in the 2nd grade of elementary school or under, or disabled children under the age of 18
📌 Parents, spouses, grandparents, spouse’s parents, children, and grandchildren (limited to grandparents’ families) are classified as COVID-19 patients, suspected patients, or pathogen carriers and require urgent care

The application for family care leave subsidy can be applied online or by mail, fax, or visit to the employment center in the jurisdiction of the applicant’s place of business. You can bring the necessary documents and submit them to the relevant employment center by visiting, mailing or faxing, or you can apply online through the website of the Ministry of Employment and Labor.
Go to the Ministry of Employment and Labor’s complaints field
1. Access the website of the Ministry of Employment and Labor
Go to the website of the Ministry of Employment and Labor and click on the application form.
Ministry of Employment and Labor website

2. Moving to the Ministry of Employment and Labor Civil Service Center
Go to the Civil Service Center of the Ministry of Employment and Labor, enter “family care” in the search box, fill out and submit the “Family care expenses (family care leave) emergency support application” that appears.
Go to the Ministry of Employment and Labor Civil Service Center

Application for emergency support for family care leave

Please refer to the family care leave confirmation form and fill it out.
Application for Emergency Support for Family Care Expenses

(220317) Family care expenses emergency support application form.hwp

👉 Apply for employee vacation support and receive 50% vacation expenses 👈

가족 돌봄휴가 지원금 신청

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